💢 «Без дому»: Саша з Харцизька
Ми були знайомі з Сашею до того. Раз на місяць – на книжковому клубі. Ми ніколи не спілкувалися про особисте, але говорили про книги. Я бачила, як вона впізнавала місцевість в «Інтернаті» Жадана і як плакала коли «Мієчка» приїхала до бабусі, до свого літнього шатлу
#nowreading #ukraine #stories #idps #people
#Resettling over 0.3 million #IDPs to their respective areas with full citizenship rights, equal civil rights, #FreedomOfMovement, and recognition of #Rohingya an official ethnic group is the key to building trust for the safe and secure #repatriation of Rohingya refugees in 🇧🇩.
#MyanmarMilitary #RohingyaCrisis #IDPResettlement #CitizenshipRights #Equality #FreedomOfMovement #Recognition #SafeAndSecure
#resettling #idps #freedomofmovement #rohingya #repatriation #myanmarmilitary #rohingyacrisis #idpresettlement #citizenshiprights #equality #recognition #safeandsecure
JUST PUBLISHED in Communist and Post-Communist Studies: #Securitization in the Shadow of Armed Conflict: The Internal Othering and Electoral Rights of #IDPs in #Ukraine
by Marta Jaroszewicz & Jan Grzymski
Free to access for one week:
#securitization #idps #ukraine
Here's a #HowTo guide for adding #Microsoft Login to the collection of OpenID Connect (#OIDC) compliant Identity Providers (#IdPs) supported by Virtuoso's Multi-Protocol Authentication Layer (#VAL).
Multi-protocol #Identity #Authentication usable by #VirtuosoRDBMS #SPARQL endpoints and #DataSpaces alongside fine-grained Attribute-Based Access Controls (#ABAC).
#howto #microsoft #oidc #idps #val #identity #authentication #virtuosordbms #sparql #DataSpaces #abac #oauth20
RT @papuapartners@twitter.com
The government of Indonesia is ignoring the plight of more than 60,000 estimated internally displaced persons (#IDPs ) in #westpapua while armed conflict between West Papua National Liberation Army & Indonesian security forces continues. https://humanrightsmonitor.org/news/idp-update-2022-more-than-60000-idps-in-west-papua-remain-without-government-aid/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/papuapartners/status/1611100765526827009
Very pleased to be hosting and co-chairing a meeting in London on Wednesday, covering the health and demographic needs of #Ukraine refugees and displaced populations.
Colleagues Brienna Perelli-Harris and Ken Brackstone will be presenting our research findings, and we have academic and non-academic colleagues attending who will cover a range of studies and areas of policy.
#refugees #displaced #IDPs #publichealth #globalhealth #refugeehealth #ukrainian #ukrainesupport #ukrainecrisis
#ukraine #refugees #displaced #idps #publichealth #globalhealth #refugeehealth #ukrainian #ukrainesupport #ukrainecrisis
** Cabo Delgado **
Webinar "how is #CaboDelgado" No.19 about (in)stability and population return #Mozambique #insurgency #war #peace #pacification #IDPs #refugees #stabilization
To participate in this webinar, register using the link: https://bit.ly/3gw0JtZ
#cabodelgado #mozambique #insurgency #war #peace #pacification #idps #refugees #stabilization
RT @NoelleQuenivet1@twitter.com
Excellent post by Cristiano d'Orsi on 'The Terrible Plight of Internally Displaced Persons in Central Africa'. #IDPs https://verfassungsblog.de/the-terrible-plight-of-internally-displaced-persons-in-central-africa/ (via @Verfassungsblog@twitter.com).
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NoelleQuenivet1/status/1597140738847911936
Residents, #IDPs not able to afford diagnosis fees in #Idlib https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2022/11/residents-idps-not-able-to-afford-diagnosis-fees-in-idlib/
This is the kind of analysis of data I like to see..
Almost chart recorder!
#IonMobility #IDPs
I am a mass spectrometrist at the University of Manchester. I analyse molecules by weighing them.
I measure the shape of proteins and I am trying to translate the diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease from research to clinic.
#MassSpec #Parkinsons #IDPs
The committee of Social Affairs and Work in Manbij…. support for IDPs and a goal to employ all society sections http://sdf-press.com/en/2019/01/the-committee-of-social-affairs-and-work-in-manbij-support-for-idps-and-a-goal-to-employ-all-society-sections/ #ThecommitteeofSocialAffairsinManbij #Manbijexecutivecouncil #MnbijMilitaryCoucil #Uncategorized #IDPs
#thecommitteeofsocialaffairsinmanbij #manbijexecutivecouncil #mnbijmilitarycoucil #uncategorized #idps