That guy who owns that other website said, he's a "free speech absolutist"? Considering the definition of absolutism, he may not be a hypocrite, as many are saying.

Absolutism (noun):

1-a) A political theory that absolute power should be vested in one or more rulers
1-b) Government by an absolute ruler or authority: DESPOTISM.

2) Advocacy of a rule by absolute standards or principles.

3) An absolute standard or principle.

It would seem his self characterization as a "free-speech absolutist", may be spot on. He certainly seems to be in favor of absolute power to dismantle free-speech and the First Amendment rights.

(Yes, with a capital "A")

#freespeech #firstamendment #authoritarianism #idrathernotsayhisname #oligarch #asshole

Last updated 1 year ago