Evil plan to turn #Agda into a tactic-based proof assistant:
1. Resurrect/repurpose the REPL as a place to input editor commands, particularly with commands local to a hole. (https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/5778)
2. Expand the collection of editor commands to facilitate more specific refinements of the proof term.
3. Add edit-time tacticals like`repeat` and `;`, allowing for more unprincipled proof term synthesis.
4. Allow sequences of editor commands to be embedded in files, and to be run (without changing the buffer, but updating the proof state) at load time.
5. Allow interactive stepping through of editor commands embedded in files.
Quite a lot of these steps are already in #Idris, but I don't know how well used they are, and how usable they are without the other steps.
I think categorical composition is oversold in functional programming hype, but I'm still a fan of #Agda #Idris #Haskell and #Purescript
#agda #idris #haskell #purescript
What's the #GHC #haskell equivalent of a dependent pair as a record field?
In #Idris, I'd define `TypeFn : Int -> Type` and then have the field be of type `(Int ** TypeFn)`. Yes, I need access to both projections of the dependent pair.
ISTR having to use singletons.
I do need to cover the case where the body of `TypeFn` has a wildcard, if that complicates things.
I'd like the system to be closed, and not have dangling (type class) constraints at the interface.
Morte Idris: Quelli che il calcio, Juve e l'addio di Fazio e Simona Ventura
#5agosto #idris http://noncelodicono.parliamodi.news/2023/08/morte-idris-quelli-che-il-calcio-juve-e.html
Caro #Idris, credo che in molti ti saremo per sempre grati perché sapevi far sorridere parlando di calcio e lo facevi in un Paese dove sul ⚽️, troppo spesso, ci si prende un pò troppo sul serio...
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MCampomenosi/status/1687618935040974850
#idris #SerieA #QuelliCheIlCalcio
Morto Idris Sanneh, fu giornalista a “Quelli che il calcio”
Chi non ricorda quest'uomo che tifava Juventus, nei salotti del calcio a cavallo degli anni 2000?
So molto poco su Idris Sanneh, ma mi ricordo il suo sorriso e la sua simpatia contagiosi.
Profondo dispiacere. Ciao "fratello bianconero". Non sono juventino, ma lui diceva così.
#idris #sanneh #giornalista #quellidelcalcio #calcio #juventus
#idris #sanneh #giornalista #quellidelcalcio #calcio #juventus
Per anni un volto della TV garbata che piace a me: divertente, appassionato tifoso juventino, protagonista di #quellicheilcalcio, prima trasmissione che iniziava a traghettare il campionato dalla radio alla televisione.
Addio a #Idris
#quellicheilcalcio #idris #ilbortoneficio #4agosto
Some in-the-genre languages I still want to play with some day that don't check the boxes or that I decided on #OCaml over for other reasons:
(I'd also like to get into #Elixir at some point, and a few others, but they aren't really in the genre).
#ocaml #flix #idris #fstar #elixir
@laund @mo8it No, I am talking about the power of the type system. In case of Python and TS, I mean the types that type checkers check, not the runtime.
And by overload I also mean the one you do for static type checking:
On a side note, if you want to try the next level of type safety, take a peak at #Idris. It builds on dependent types, and that's something beyond any of the type checkers I mentioned earlier (TS has basic dependent types, though).
#Idris is the only famous actor I’ve heard talking about UK hip hop group #Hijack
In which I expand on monads, cave to infix notations, and explain the productivity feature called holes #Idris
I'm still trying to learn #Idris.
Following on from our #EVCS dinner time chat about decidability and runtime error reporting. The issue that _I_ call _Being Positively Negative_, but is really a form of constructive negation.
Here is a blog post I wrote last Summer on the issue (aimed at beginners as well as experts).
And a little Idris2 library exploring @bentnib suggestion of framing the _constructive negation_. I would recommend his MSFP talk (link is on the blog && github).
I've been meaning to follow this through with a paper, but will have headspace in September as I need to address runtime relevancy in my construction.
I wrote a #HelloWorld program in #Idris. I'm really excited about #totalProgramming, so my blog is going to be an Idris tutorial blog for the forseeable future.
My goal is to fill the void of tutorials for non- #Haskell programmers. Follow if you're interested!
#helloworld #idris #totalprogramming #Haskell
World Meteorological Organization's #HurricaneCommittee retires #Fiona and #Ian from the list of rotating names because of the death and destruction they caused in 2022.
They will be replaced by #Farrah and #Idris in 2028.
#hurricanecommittee #Fiona #ian #farrah #idris
Not quite as elegant as Crystal's type unions. But with some Effort (and few proofs), I managed to get Idris to do what I wanted.
Introduction to dependent types with Idris (Encoding program proofs in types). ~ Boro Sitnikovski. https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/introduction-to-dependent/9781484292594/ #Idris #FunctionalProgramming