Finding bugs in the #Idris2 IDE protocol by trying to prove that deserialisation is an inverse to serialisation.
Following on from our #EVCS dinner time chat about decidability and runtime error reporting. The issue that _I_ call _Being Positively Negative_, but is really a form of constructive negation.
Here is a blog post I wrote last Summer on the issue (aimed at beginners as well as experts).
And a little Idris2 library exploring @bentnib suggestion of framing the _constructive negation_. I would recommend his MSFP talk (link is on the blog && github).
I've been meaning to follow this through with a paper, but will have headspace in September as I need to address runtime relevancy in my construction.
In these times you should be daring. Have courage. Listen to music that is mindbending. Go to seedy underground parties hidden away in dark alleys. Host a circuit bending crafterhours with the friends you make. Learn to speak #lojban. Start a political party. Get together with your comrades and hijack #Idris2, dedicate yourselves to maintaining a backward a backwards compatible fork from here on. It'll outpace #Haskell in a few years just because people need some stability in their lives. It'll be amazing. Trust me bro.
One of the fundamental errors of our moment is the idea that #programming is primarily a scientific activity. Its important that we remind ourselves that it is truly more art than #science in order to assume an antagonistic distance from those who presume to speak from positions of scientific objectivity while equating the scientific production of knowlege with what is in actuality commodity production.
This assumed equality of the incentives of commodity production & science is precisely the ideology of #ElonMusk & #tech billionaires. Its the same ideology that dominates a moment in history characterized by total neglect towards threats of existential proportions, where we sail head first towards the worst of possible worlds, not out of necessity, but due to the absolute greed and nihilism of those with wealth and power. I have no doubt that if every decent #hacker were given control of our time & provided the resources we need, we could autonomously and adaptively solve the climate crisis, rather than waste away creating meaningless webapps that are the result of the galaxy brained thought experiments of reactionary dude-bros at #vc incubators. But not its bcs we're scientific, although we employ cutting edge science as means to ends; no, its rather
because we're crafty.
As hackers, you are rarely either scientists or engineers, but rather writers producing some of the most novel writing of your time, a truly new writing uniquely suited to collaboration; writing that allows wordsmiths to amass infrastructure from mere letters & words, granted adequate time. You're not engineers, but artists alienated under capital. #Haskell & #Agda programmers are not mathematicians, but rather poets among mathematics. Despite claims that Haskell shines in authoring compilers, the move of #Idris2 & #Unison to #Scheme suggests that type theory is perhaps too constraining for long term compiler development. Typed functional programming is writing in a constrained style -- poetry amongst programs -- programs that get down to the rithm of #formalism. Haskell isnt for writing programs like Idris2, but rather for those like #TidalCycles. Its simply that our idiom discourages creativity, so we play along to survive.
#WalterBenjamin described circumstances such as ours as "the aestheticization of politics", which was, according to him, the only trait to distinguish fascism from capitalism. Our only hope would be for the text workers of the world to unite.
#programming #science #elonmusk #tech #hacker #vc #haskell #agda #idris2 #unison #scheme #formalism #tidalcycles #walterbenjamin
One of the fundamental errors of our moment is the idea that
#programming is primarily a scientific activity. Its important that
we remind ourselves that it is truly more art than #science in order
to assume an antagonistic distance from those who presume to speak
from positions of scientific objectivity while equating the
scientific production of knowlege with what is in actuality
commodity production
This assumed equality of the incentives of commodity production &
science is precisely the ideology of #ElonMusk & #tech billionaires.
Its the same ideology that dominates a moment in history characterized
by total neglect towards threats of existential proportions, where we
sail head first towards the worst of possible worlds, not out of
necessity, but due to the absolute greed and nihilism of those with
wealth and power. I have no doubt that if every decent #hacker were
given control of our time & provided the resources we need, we could
remotely and autonomously solve the climate crisis, rather than waste
away creating meaningless webapps that are the result of the galaxy
brained thought experiments of reactionary dude-bros at #vc incubators.
But not bcs we're scientific, although we employ cutting edge science
as means to ends (as all art has); no, its bcs we're crafty
As hackers, you are rarely either scientists or engineers, but
rather writers producing some of the most novel writing of your
time, a truly new writing uniquely suited to collaboration; writing
that allows wordsmiths to amass infrastructure from mere letters &
words, granted adequate time. You're not engineers, but artists
alienated under capital. #Haskell & #Agda programmers are not
mathematicians, but rather poets amongst mathematics. Despite claims
that Haskell shines for authoring compilers, the move of #Idris2 &
#Unison to #Scheme suggests that type theory is perhaps too
constraining for long term compiler development. Typed functional
programming is writing in a constrained style -- poetry amongst
programs -- programs that get down to the rithm of #formalism.
Haskell isnt for writing programs like Idris2, but rather for those
like #TidalCycles. Its simply that our paradigm that discourages
creativity, so we play along as a means to survive
#WalterBenjamin described circumstances such as ours as "the
aestheticization of politics", which was, according to him, the
only trait to distinguish fascism from capitalism. Our only
hope would be for the text workers of the world to unite.
#programming #science #elonmusk #tech #hacker #vc #haskell #agda #idris2 #unison #scheme #formalism #tidalcycles #walterbenjamin
I'm (re-)learning #idris2, and I'm somewhat confused about the `:=` operator. What's the difference between `let x = 2 in x + 1` and `let x := 2 in x + 1`?
Fermat's Last Theorem in #Idris2. Floating point numbers are truly amazing.
cc #math
Come explore a strange mathematical object called a 3-sphere! I made a demo of non-Euclidean #geometry using #Idris2, #WebGL and the idris2-dom library.
#idris #math
#geometry #idris2 #webgl #idris #math