#SinkingSpring, starring #BrianTyreeHenry, has added 6 to its cast:
#VingRhames: playing Ray’s (Henry) father Bart.
#DustinNguyen: playing Ray’s friend, Ho Dinh.
#NestaCooper: playing Michelle, a lawyer representing Ray and Teresa (#KateMulgrew).
#IdrisDebrand: playing a younger Ray.
#LizCaribel: playing Manny’s (#MichaelMando) girlfriend Sherry.
#WillPullen: playing junior DEA agent, Marchetti.
The crime drama series begins filming this week in Philadelphia.
#willpullen #michaelmando #lizcaribel #idrisdebrand #katemulgrew #nestacooper #dustinnguyen #vingrhames #briantyreehenry #sinkingspring
DEAR EDWARD (2023) TV Show Trailer: A Plane Crash Survivor & the Families of Those Killed are Changed Forever [Apple TV+]
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