Win10/Win11 繼續使用 IE 瀏覽器的 4 種方法(Edge 改 IE)
#IE11 #Edge #IE #Windows11 #Win11 #實用 #教學 #好用 #收藏 #分享 #電腦 #疑難雜症 #windows10 #windows11 #win10
#win10 #windows10 #疑難雜症 #電腦 #分享 #收藏 #好用 #教學 #實用 #Win11 #windows11 #IE #Edge #ie11
I don’t know for sure but I suspect someone will find this useful.
IE changes its Accept HTTP request header value from request to another
#internetexplorer #ie11 #msie #trident #mshtml
Internet Explorer wylatuje z Windowsa 10!
#ie #ie11 #internetexplorer #microsoftedge #windows10
They actually finally did it. Internet Explorer is dead and gone. #RIPInternetExplorer #IE11
Internet Explorer is dead(er) after Microsoft disables IE11 on most versions of Windows 10
#webbrowser #internetexplorer #ie11 #microsoft #liliputing
My tu walentynki, serduszka jakieś ❤️ a mało kto zauważył, że dzisiaj kończy się pewna epoka w #webdev.
Internet Explorer wypada już całkowicie, zastąpiony przez Edge.
Dzięki dobry borze zielony za Safari, bo byśmy mieli nudno w pracy 😎
#InternetExplorer #Web #WebDesign #IE11
#webdev #internetexplorer #web #webdesign #ie11
I’ve been visiting a ton of websites with #IE11 in the last hour and I’m pretty satisfied with myself. 👻
"IE11 will no longer be accessible…"
Oh really?
Control Panel -> internet Options -> Programs -> Manage Add-ons -> "Learn more about toolbars and extensions"
#Win11_22H2 #IE11 #MicrosoftEdgeChromium
#win11_22h2 #ie11 #microsoftedgechromium
IE11 Ende Edge, Chrome u.a. aber IE wird im Feb 2023 begraben. Aber nicht komplett.
#Microsoft #IE11#Browser
It seems only yesterday we were distributing free copies of Internet Explorer 3.0 on CDROM in Staples, Office Depot, Circuit City, CompUSA, Egghead Software, etc.
Now #InternetExplorer will be finally be permanently disabled on everyone's computers on February 14, 2023 through a #Microsoft Edge Update.
RIP Internet Explorer 11. #IE11
#internetexplorer #microsoft #ie11
Not much I like better in this world than deleting a bunch of code—particularly when it says “remove when we no longer support #IE11”.
📬 Sören Hentzschel: Nein, Firefox 110 ist kein Internet Explorer 11
#Softwareentwicklung #Firefox110 #IE11 #InternetExplorer11 #Microsoft #Mozilla #SörenHentzschel #UserAgent
#useragent #sorenhentzschel #mozilla #microsoft #internetexplorer11 #ie11 #firefox110 #softwareentwicklung
📬 Internet Explorer fliegt raus: Microsoft Edge ab Februar Pflicht
#Softwareentwicklung #Chromium #EdgeBrowser #IEModus #IE11 #InternetExplorer #MicrosoftEdge #windows10
#windows10 #microsoftedge #internetexplorer #ie11 #iemodus #edgebrowser #chromium #softwareentwicklung
#IE11 will be disabled in Feb. 2023 for #Win10
#Ie11 offically dies:
IE11 end of support is tomorrow ! #ie11 #microsoft #webdev
Le belle notizie che hai atteso per una vita.
Issue with #IE11 during #Windows11 upgrade - upgrade blocker