New colleagues! 💥
Today, we warmly welcome Johannes Sendtner and Felix Hermes to #teamzero!
Johannes Sendtner (left) already completed his THI internship semester with us and is now working on his very interesting Bachelor's thesis. We will keep you updated about his innovative research project!
Felix Hermes studies "Bio Electrical Engineering" at the THI Ingolstadt and will support us in the areas of product development and electrical assembly.
Welcome to the #team, both of you! 🙌
#THI #internship #teamzero #iee #innovative_electronics_engineering #technology #startups #innovation
#teamzero #team #thi #internship #iee #innovative_electronics_engineering #Technology #startups #innovation
Want to meet us in person?
We'll be at the #IAA mobility trade fair in #Munich from September, 5th to 10th and will present our #5GoIng #SmartCity Cube.
As our location will be at Königsplatz, access is free of charge!
We look forward to having interesting discussions and answering your questions about #5GoIng #5G #V2X, and #SmartCity. See you soon!
#iaa #munich #5going #smartcity #5G #v2x #teamzero #iee #Technology #startup #innovation #zeroiee
We took our #AMPS MotorControl Nodes to the limit!
One of our customers attached 11 MotorNodes to a DisplayNode and used this setup to endurance-test 22 vehicle mirror actuators. The setup has worked fine for at least 3 months and 30.000 mirror fold/unfold cycles.
This custom-make variant of the DisplayNode lets the customer configure the endurance tester and set test parameters such as motor blocking current, moving speed, number of test cycles and more. The user can connect to a web-based, mobile device friendly user interface to configure the #AMPS stack via their mobile phone or tablet. No local network needed - it's all available via the integrated Wifi hotspot.
Interested in the #AMPS hardware? Contact us via e-mail to receive more information:
#teamzero #iee #innovative_electronics_engineering #amps #electronics #software #vehicle #engineering #zeroiee
#amps #teamzero #iee #innovative_electronics_engineering #electronics #software #vehicle #engineering #zeroiee
IEE: “Hay que incentivar un mercado del alquiler más competitivo y menos intervenido” #AFC_News #AFColegiado #InstitutodeEstudiosEconómicos #Marketnavigator #límitealquiler #LeydeVivienda #Ieevivienda #Vivienda #IEE
#afc_news #afcolegiado #institutodeestudioseconomicos #marketnavigator #limitealquiler #leydevivienda #ieevivienda #vivienda #iee
El IEE avisa: España ya es uno de los países con menos libertad económica de la OCDE #AFC_News #AFColegiado #InstitutodeEstudiosEconómicos #Marketnavigator #Economía #OCDE #IEE
#afc_news #afcolegiado #institutodeestudioseconomicos #marketnavigator #economia #ocde #iee
#idw Die #Übertragungsnetzbetreiber veröffentlichten den ersten Entwurf des #Netzentwicklungsplan|s (#NEP) #Strom 2037/2045 und übergaben ihn an die #Bundesnetzagentur. Das #Fraunhofer-Institut für #Energiewirtschaft und #Energiesystemtechnik #IEE modellierte hierfür die Regionalisierung der erneuerbaren Energien und konkretisierte damit, wo zukünftig #Windenergie- und #Photovoltaik-Anlagen für die #Energiewende voraussichtlich errichtet werden.
#idw #ubertragungsnetzbetreiber #netzentwicklungsplan #nep #strom #Bundesnetzagentur #Fraunhofer #energiewirtschaft #Energiesystemtechnik #iee #Windenergie #Photovoltaik #Energiewende
Madrid, la CCAA con menor presión fiscal y la que más recauda por habitante #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Ministeriodeeconomíaycompetitividad #Marketnavigator #Imagendeldía #Fiscalidad #IEE
#afc_news #afcolegiado #ministeriodeeconomiaycompetitividad #marketnavigator #imagendeldia #fiscalidad #iee
Boadilla del Monte y Majadahonda lideran la competividad fiscal en España, según el IEE #AFC_News #AFColegiado #CompetitividadEspaña #Marketnavigator #Economía #IEE
#afc_news #afcolegiado #competitividadespana #marketnavigator #economia #iee
IEE: “Los grandes fondos son los que están modernizando y abaratando los alquileres” #AFC_News #AFColegiado #enprimerapersona #Vivienda #CEOE #IEE
#afc_news #afcolegiado #enprimerapersona #vivienda #ceoe #iee
Looking for a master's thesis topic? IEE is offering three new exciting topics and looking for motivated students to tackle the subjects:
1️⃣ Optimizing Data for Load-flow Models
2️⃣ Austrias natural gas and hydrogen infrastructure
3️⃣ Sensitivity analysis for the LEGO Austria power system model.
Check out the link in our bio for more information and reach out!
#TUGraz #IEE #MastersThesis #Research #Renewables #SectorCoupling #OptimizingEnergyFlow #ClimateNeutrality #Sustainability #EnergyFuture
#energyfuture #sustainability #climateneutrality #optimizingenergyflow #sectorcoupling #renewables #Research #mastersthesis #iee #TUGraz
Calling all graduate students! We are currently offering a Master's thesis opportunity in collaboration with Energie Steiermark on the topic of energy storage technology in agriculture. This is a great chance to work with our faculty, gain hands-on experience, and contribute to ongoing projects. If you're interested in this opportunity, please contact us. #IEE #TUGraz #MastersThesis #ResearchOpportunity #EnergyStorage #Agriculture
#agriculture #energystorage #researchopportunity #mastersthesis #TUGraz #iee