Today, #EE undergrads learn to use CAD/CAM tools, specifically VHDL and Verilog. But these HDLs are the 1980s technology.
These HDLs are structurally declarative, but they are behaviourally imperative. There are several purely functional alternatives, like μFP, Daisy, Hydra, Lava, Clash, etc., but they are either immature or are ensconced in academia. The industry is still stuck on VHDL, Verilog, and their proprietary descendants.
Frankly, these HDLs are getting very stale, despite regular updates to their respective #IEEE specifications.
Python remains No. 1 on IEEE Spectrum's 10th annual rankings of top programming languages #Python #IEEE #languages #programming #Java #C #JavaScript
#python #ieee #languages #programming #java #c #javascript
Gearing up for #IEEE #IWRC2023 in Little Rock, AR, USA 11-18 September 2023.
Goal is to represent #opensource #digital #radio including #hamradio in #CHIPS act development in underrepresented parts of the US.
Tall order, but we have skin in the game here with human resources and a nice Open Source Remote Lab. Thank you to @OpenResearchIns for all the support and development so far.
Looking forward to reporting on all the things we learn and where we can fit in to advance the radio arts.
#chips #hamradio #radio #digital #opensource #iwrc2023 #ieee
10月25日-27日に、#IEEE EPS Taipei、#iMAPS Taiwan、#ITRI、#TPCA が台湾最大の基板・実装関連のコンファレンス #IMPACT2023 (18th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology conference) を開催。TPCA Show -TAIPEI- と同時開催。台湾・台北南港展覧館にて。詳細は に。
#Conference #PCB #Packaging
#ieee #imaps #itri #tpca #impact2023 #conference #pcb #packaging
2024年5月28日-31日に、 #IEEE Electronics Packaging Society #EPS が、2024 IEEE 74th Electronic Components and Technology Conference #ECTC を開催。米国コロラド州デンバーにて。8月14日にアブストラクト提出受付を開始。詳細は に。
9月22日(金)16:00-18:30に、 #IEEE #EPS Japan Chapter が第59回イブニングミーティング『次世代の大容量光トランシーバ技術』を開催。講演3件。東京都千代田区・古河電気工業㈱およびオンラインにて。詳細は に。
#EveningMeeting #OpticalTransceiver
#ieee #eps #eveningmeeting #opticaltransceiver
However, several amateur operators I really admire in my professional field are all very active in #RCA.
When I chaired the ham events at #ieee #IMS2023, I asked #RCA if they would consider attending and supporting amateur activities at the conference. They were very interested and positive. They might participate in #IMS2024
Same question to #ARRL resulted in a lengthy message advising me on the basics of conference work.
If you are in RCA, would you please tell me about your experiences?
#arrl #ims2024 #ims2023 #ieee #rca
There are RCA conferences. I recognize some #hamradio names from past events.
This list did not include any of the bullies, sex pests, or powermongers that have made amateur radio so unenjoyable for me and people like me over the years.
So, we'll see. It's not international like #IEEE, but the focus on amateur-inclusive competent radio work is what I am looking for.
I don't yet know what kind of regulatory efforts are going on or what the authorship/publishing opportunities are like.
Doing "#documentation days" on Fridays pays off immensely for both #ieee and @OpenResearchIns work. I got some "record the week" schedule space at the day job, too, after a campaign.
But, you have to take some care to scope this work. Complete and perfect is only asymptotically approached when it comes to documenting, describing, explaining, or reporting.
You can definitely get a lesson in "perfect being the enemy of the good" when writing things up, whether it be a memo, a paper, or a book.
RT from John Walicki | @walicki (@johnwalicki)
Want to learn how to shape the future with RISC-V? Check out our new course: Computer Architecture with an Industrial RISC-V Core [RVfpga] (LFD119x). Enroll today for FREE:
#OpenSource #RISCV #CPUs #GPUs #Processors #IEEE #edX #RVfpga @risc_v
Original tweet:
#RVfpga #edx #ieee #processors #gpus #cpus #riscv #opensource
#UnDiaComoHoy del año 1941, nace el ingeniero eléctrico Victor Hayes.
Padre del Wi-Fi 📶
Fue presidente del grupo de trabajo de la #IEEE que definió las normas técnicas para la implementación de redes #WLAN
Realizó diversas publicaciones y contribuciones sobre el Wi-Fi.
Ham radio featured on the IEEE's Try Engineering website: Amateur Radio: From a Hobby to a Career. #hamradio #amateurradio #IEEE
The #IEEE conference paper I was working on last year is finally published!
The UC Santa Cruz team did all of the actual silicon design work, while I did the post-silicon bringup, testing, and characterization.
"#SRAM Design with #OpenRAM in #SkyWater 130nm", 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
Also presented at OSDA 2023
#ieee #SRAM #openram #skywater
@privateger considering the prices of vendors like #Cisco that don't even follow #IEEE & #IETF nomenclature, I'd say that claim is rather applying to Cisco than the likes of Juniper, Sophos, Extreme Networks, HPE Aruba and IBM.
Also you can still buy the regular-ass cloudkey and stuff to manage a LAN.
And even if you ain't the client for a surveillance camera system, their on-prem solution is at least configureable to comply with BDSG & GDPR, which Amazon Ring can't and won't!
8月19日(土)13:30-16:00に、#IEEE Tokyo Young Professionals ( #YP ) が小学生向けプログラミング体験イベント『若手エンジニアと一緒にプログラミングしよう』を開催。小学校4~6年生対象。東京都港区・機械振興会館にて。詳細は に。
#Workshop #ProgrammingExperience
#ieee #yp #workshop #programmingexperience
New IEEE Li-Fi standard gives the technology an "invisible" future 👇️💡️
#lifi #tech #ieee #standards #led
New standard for LiFi communications released by IEEE Standards Association #communication #WiFi #5G #LiFi #IEEE #LightFrequency #mobile #RF #IEEESA
#communication #wifi #5g #LiFi #ieee #lightfrequency #mobile #rf #ieeesa
LiFi: la connessione Internet del futuro è basata sulla luce a 224 Gb/s di velocità!
L’organizzazione #internazionale #IEEE ha #approvato un nuovo #standard 802 11bb per la trasmissione di #dati #wireless utilizzando la luce.
Gli utenti non notano lo sfarfallio in quanto si verifica a frequenze superiori a 60 Hz, troppo veloci per l’occhio umano. Inoltre, LiFi può essere 100 volte più veloce del WiFi, raggiungendo potenzialmente 224 Gb/s.
Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#internazionale #ieee #approvato #standard #dati #wireless #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity