"International Fund for Animal Welfare (#IFAW), a #wildlife rescue and #conservation organization, now has a new #Dolphin Rescue Center in #Orleans
#CapeCod #Massachusetts #Dolphins #LowellSun #LowellMA #Lowell #Boston
#ifaw #wildlife #conservation #dolphin #orleans #capecod #massachusetts #dolphins #lowellsun #lowellma #lowell #boston
RT ifaw France
📣 Annonce spéciale 📣 À partir du mois prochain, le compte twitter français d'IFAW fermera ses portes pour se fondre avec le compte IFAW Europe ! 🌍 Rejoignez-nous sur @IFAWEU et continuons ensemble d’œuvrer pour la protection de la faune sauvage. 🐊 #IFAW #ProtectionDeLaFaune https://t.co/QZPMKBOmYA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ifawFR/status/1681287813696987136
such as the #InternationalWhalingCommission and nature conservation organisations, in particular #IFAW. Together with IFAW, #OceanCare was successful in convincing some key shipping corporations to already move their shipping route successfully.
#oceancare #ifaw #internationalwhalingcommission
The global nonprofit IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) does some fantastic work: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL01fYnIuuBbXfPfV0mSLikWt8WYFdFirh.
#pleaseboost #animals #animallovers #pets #petowners #catsofmastodon #mastocats #cats #dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #dogs #bigcats #whales #sharks #dolphins #elephants #koalas #owls #orangutan #greatapes #anteaters #zoology #animalrescue #animalrehab #conservation #globalconservation #oceanconservation #animalconservation #habitatconservation #environmentalism #ifaw #nonprofit #ngo
#ngo #NonProfit #ifaw #environmentalism #habitatconservation #animalconservation #oceanconservation #globalconservation #Conservation #animalrehab #animalrescue #zoology #anteaters #greatapes #orangutan #owls #koalas #elephants #dolphins #sharks #whales #bigcats #Dogs #mastodogs #dogsofmastodon #Cats #MastoCats #CatsOfMastodon #PetOwners #pets #animallovers #Animals #pleaseboost
If you are in DC 2/27 or 2/28, come to The Wharf and check out #IFAW whale research vessel "Song of the Whale." The boat is providing tours to raise awareness of their research. It's an awesome vessel and the crew are fantastic!
Gisteren werd in #Nijmegen tijdens de #demonstratie in solidariteit met #Oekraïne naast het onvoorstelbaar grote leed onder mensen óók kort stil gestaan bij de desastreuze gevolgen van deze #oorlog voor de #dieren en de #biodiversiteit in het land. 🐬
ℹ️ Gisteren berichtte #ifaw hier ook over:
Oorlog in Oekraïne heeft vernietigende gevolgen voor biodiversiteit
#ifaw #biodiversiteit #dieren #oorlog #oekraine #demonstratie #nijmegen
RT @ifawglobal: Sharing our top 10 animal victories in 2022! All around the world, we made huge strides for animals this year. Which one are you most proud of? (# 4 is definitely one of our favorites!) #PeopleAndPlanet #ConservationMatters #AnimalLover #NatureLover #ifaw https://www.ifaw.org/journal/top-10-animal-victories-2022?ms=UONDC230001075&cid=7013k000001Cigs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/catherinemep/status/1608132808106557446
#PeopleAndPlanet #ConservationMatters #animallover #naturelover #ifaw