When #fires generate #heterogeneity ...! Bejis, E Spain
You can see how the #landscape modelled the fire, and how the fire modelled the landscape .. #feedbacks are the rule (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169534722000611)
#fireecology #ifbejis #Feedbacks #landscape #heterogeneity #fires
We are in autumn but this is not a deciduous #forest, but a forest that burned with low intensity (leaves not consumed): the Bejis #fire (August, eastern Spain)
We confirm that this fire affected some populations of #Taxus baccata (#yew), a species quite sensitive to fires, & rare & in regression in most #Spain. Because of the low intensity, some may survive (but we'll see).
New climate, new fire regimes ...
#PlantEcology #fireecology #plantscience #ifbejis #wildfire #spain #yew #taxus #fire #forest