I finished #IfNietzscheWereANarwhal by Justin Gregg so now I’m #Reading #WhenAnimalsDream by David M. Peña-Guzmán and continuing #TheWorldWeMake by N. K. Jemisin. I’ve read two #Books out of this year’s goal of fifty.
#ifnietzschewereanarwhal #reading #whenanimalsdream #theworldwemake #books
I finished #AHalfBuiltGarden by Ruthanna Emrys so now I’m #Reading #TheWorldWeMake by N. K. Jemisin while continuing #IfNietzscheWereANarwhal by Justin Gregg. I’ve read one #Books (I know, I know) out of this year’s goal of fifty.
#ahalfbuiltgarden #reading #theworldwemake #ifnietzschewereanarwhal #books
I finished #AnImmenseWorld by Ed Yong, so now I’m #Reading #IfNietzscheWereANarwhal by Justin Gregg while continuing #AHalfBuiltGarden by Ruthanna Emrys. I’ve read zero #Books out of this year’s goal of fifty.
#animmenseworld #reading #ifnietzschewereanarwhal #ahalfbuiltgarden #books