#today I got my second tattoo, on my own without a friend or a reason, one that I have been wanting to have since before I got my first one but was too afraid to “commit” to something this noticeable.
Feeling happy, content…wonder what I will get next?
#today #tattooart #tattoodon #tattoolove #ifnotnowwhen
叮囑我 跌倒 不應放棄
:BlobhajfBlobbyHug: :blobcatknife:
#getoutofcomfortzone #IfNotNowWhen #sincere #bekind #betterme #lesscompare #morefocus
#morefocus #lesscompare #betterme #BeKind #sincere #ifnotnowwhen #getoutofcomfortzone
叮囑我 跌倒 不應放棄
:BlobhajfBlobbyHug: :blobcatknife:
#getoutofcomfortzone #IfNotNowWhen #sincere #bekind #betterme #lesscompare #morefocus
#morefocus #lesscompare #betterme #BeKind #sincere #ifnotnowwhen #getoutofcomfortzone
join Tami Reiss and me for a conversation about product ethics, Dec 1 @ 9am PT
Welcome some tough questions in advance or r/t. An old topic that keeps coming around. (What's the carbon footprint from burning $44B?)
#ifnotnowwhen #leadership #productmanagement
Challenges and Opportunities are interchangeable. Seek 'em, Like 'em and Evolve - Frieda People #seekandyoushallfind, #nowisthetime #notimetowaste #ifnotnowwhen #essentialouttakes
#seekandyoushallfind #nowisthetime #notimetowaste #ifnotnowwhen #essentialouttakes