#question aux #codeurs #web, est-ce possijble d'appliquer un CSS particulier au contenu d'une iframe (et donc provenant d'un autre site avec son propre style ?)
Je suis obligé de passé par une intégration avec iframe (c'est moche, je sais) et j'ai des textes qui se chevauche car petite iframe. Un peu de CSS pourrait régler cela, mais comment ?)
#question #codeurs #web #css #iframe
I lowkey feel like writing a #blogentry onto my #garbage #iframe blog thing........
#blogentry #garbage #iframe #depressing #thetruthsetsyoufree
Nouveau billet 📝
Obtenir un #iframe "#responsive" au format 16/9 (ou autre…)
➡️ https://lmdbt.fr/blog/iframe_16-9.html
Très pratique pour un affichage sur téléphone ou tablette.
Cela évite que le contenu soit "tronqué" en cas de réduction de la taille de la fenêtre (cf image jointe).
#iframe #responsive #html #markdown
iframe http:
1) Create file on https, with redirect
document.location.href ="http://alceawisteria.byethost7.com/PHP/0demo/2023-03-25-BoxNet/yourpage.html";
iframe it
<iframe src="redirect-to-http.html"></iframe>
📬 Bitwarden Sicherheit: Autofill bringt Deine Passwörter in Gefahr
#ITSicherheit #Autofill #Bitwarden #BitwardenSicherheit #Flashpoint #GitHubPages #Iframe #Passwortmanager #Zugangsdaten https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/bitwarden-sicherheit-autofill-bringt-deine-passwoerter-in-gefahr-266749.html
#zugangsdaten #passwortmanager #iframe #githubpages #flashpoint #bitwardensicherheit #bitwarden #autofill #itsicherheit
#BrokenCodeAlcea (?)
How very #odd 🤔
This #animated #css #background #MALFUNCTIONS when #iframe d ...
#brokencodealcea #odd #animated #css #background #malfunctions #iframe
I finally found a use-case for using the :has selector - Using the :has selector to display full with of a container - https://anjane.sh/has - #css #has #iframe #google-calendar
Wollte gerade ein schönes iframe für meinen Blog nutzen, in dem eine #OpenStreetMap #Karte eingebunden wird.
Vor paar Wochen tat das noch und jetzt kommt die Meldung, dass der Anbieter es dem Browser nicht erlaubt, die Seite im iframe zu öffnen. Ist das neu oder hab ich nen Fehler?
Schade eigentlich, denn dafür gibt extra nen schönen Shortcode in dem Theme, das ist verwende.
#openstreetmap #karte #firefox #browser #iframe #hugo
Hello, #website and #browser experts. Does anyone have a fix for #Safari throwing up endless #reCAPTCHA barriers when faced with an embedded #iFrame #GoogleCalendar? I'm facing this problem on a #SquareSpace website. I know that it can be resolved on the user end by turning off the "Prevent cross-site tracking" toggle in Privacy, which is the default setting, or fiddling with CAPTCHA settings on a phone. But is there a fix from my side? (Boosts welcome.)
#squarespace #googlecalendar #iframe #recaptcha #safari #browser #website
More modulo motion patterns... using these for an upcoming blog post about integration of p5 sketches via iframes and how pass data between host and ifram code ✌️
#genartclub #generativeart #creativecoding #generative #codeart #digitalart #abstractart #algorithmicart #creativecodeart #abstract #newmediaart #computerart #generativedesign #procedural #processing #artxcode #geometricart #design #typescript #iframe #p5js #p5
#genartclub #generativeart #creativecoding #generative #codeart #DigitalArt #abstractart #algorithmicart #creativecodeart #abstract #newmediaart #computerart #generativedesign #procedural #processing #artxcode #geometricart #design #typescript #iframe #p5js #p5
#Excel (#OpenAI Tabulate)
OpenAI API Excel integration
About Excel (OpenAI Tabulate)
The integration for Excel allows users to query the API to automatically generate Excel tables about topics. The integration is an Excel TaskPane Add-in, which is structured as an #HTML / #CSS / #Javascript web app running in an #iframe. The underlying #API runs models with weights from the #GPT3 family with many speed and throughput improvements. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/overview/learning-path-beginner - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/excel/excel-add-ins-core-concepts
#excel #openai #html #css #javascript #iframe #API #gpt3
if ( window.location !== window.parent.location ) {
alert("You have the player open already !");
} else {
// The page is not in an iframe
Die urbanen #insektenbiotope aus #Bayreuth sind ein sehr schickes Beispiel, wie das #Iframe der #Karte integriert werden kann: https://urbane-insektenbiotope.de/karte/
#insektenbiotope #Bayreuth #iframe #Karte
Random #iFrame
<button id="btn" class="box">Random</button>
<iframe id="frame" src="01.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height=65 width=400></iframe>
var cat1 = [
var myFrame = document.getElementById("frame");
function getRandomUrl(myFrame) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random()*cat1.length);
var url = cat1[index];
myFrame.src = url;
btn.addEventListener("click", function() {
🔹Qué es un #iframe y para qué sirve
🔹Cómo insertarlo en #WordPress o en cualquier CMS a mano
🔹Cómo insertarlo en WordPress con un plugin
I also think that the idea around Streaming + Micro Frontends is kind of an evolution of the iframe, except it isn't sandboxed, compatibility within the frameworks your using is problematic. Most people don't really see it this way though. #ssr #streaming #microfrontend #frontend #iframe
#iframe #frontend #microfrontend #streaming #ssr