SideBand 🤪 :donor: · @ssb
92 followers · 642 posts · Server

It's my today.

For my birthday, I would like all of you who can afford to do so to donate to your mastodon instance to keep this running. $5.00 isn't a lot of money - most of us spend that much on a cup of coffee at <insert capitalist coffee merchant name here> daily, if not more than once.
Truly, for the price of a cup of coffee per month you can help our cover the expense of running these instances so you can keep communicating with like-minded (and, hopefully, to broaden your minds, non-like-minded) people.

DOOOO EEEEEET! (for the infosec group of servers, please use this link - or find your own admin's donate page, please.)
$5.00/mo is trivial.

#birthday #admins #donate #supportmastodon #helpadminspayexpenses #ifyouliketheserviceyoushoulddonate #alittlegoesalongway #onecupofcoffee

Last updated 1 year ago

SideBand 🤪 :donor: · @ssb
92 followers · 642 posts · Server