Gizmodo: Zombie Droids Are the Least Interesting Thing About Star Wars Comics' New Zombie Droids Event #galacticrepublic #starwarscomics #starwarsdroids #internetmemes #travislanham #alexsinclair #charlessoule #emiliaclarke #doctoraphra #darkempire #darthvader #palpatine #lucasfilm #starwars #lukeross #disney #droid #c3po #ajax #sith #ig11
#galacticrepublic #starwarscomics #starwarsdroids #internetmemes #travislanham #alexsinclair #charlessoule #emiliaclarke #doctoraphra #darkempire #darthvader #palpatine #lucasfilm #starwars #lukeross #disney #droid #c3po #ajax #sith #ig11
I am a compulsive buyer, or was before the powers that be stepped in, thank heavens. Within the last hour, whilst watching the last episode of #TheMandalorian again, I have paused the télé & looked at eBay for prices on #IG11, #R5 & #mousedroid figurines to add to my 30 or so collection. Window shopping. No chick'll have me now. Damaged goods.
#themandalorian #ig11 #r5 #mousedroid