RT @FriendsofOcean
A historic moment for the #ocean! Congrats & thanks to all who “brought this ship to shore”: a global deal for protection & sustainable use of the #HighSeas, our greatest global commons & critical heritage for all humanity now & to come 🌊🙌🏽 #BBNJ #HighSeasTreaty #IGC5bis #SDG14+
#SDG14 #igc5bis #HighSeasTreaty #BBNJ #highseas #ocean
Arnulf Becker Lorca and I present the strong legal case and urgent policy arguments for including the common heritage of mankind principle in the #BBNJ agreement in this two part post #IGC5bis http://opiniojuris.org/2023/02/24/memorandum-on-the-common-heritage-of-mankind-and-biodiversity-beyond-national-jurisdiction-part-i/
RT @HighSeasAllianc@twitter.com
I’m not attending #COP15, but if I had thought it important enough, I would be the #OceanInTheRoom to support a robust and ambitious #HighSeasTreaty - 🇨🇳 President Xi Jingping #OneOceanOnePlanet #BBNJ #IGC5bis
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HighSeasAllianc/status/1600964712711299081
#cop15 #oceanintheroom #highseastreaty #oneoceanoneplanet #bbnj #igc5bis