#IDMastodon A rare case of #IgG4-associated disease caused by #COVID19: #CaseReport and literature review . Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) -associated disease is a specific type of autoimmune disease characterized by elevated IgG4 levels and deposition of IgG4 antibodies in diseased tissues. During the COVID-19 epidemic, several studies have found that some #COVID19 patients developed IgG4-associated diseases after infection.
#IDMastodon #igg4 #COVID19 #CaseReport
mRNA-Shots verhalten sich wie ein Virus – Belegte Schädigung des Immunsystems durch Booster-Shots https://sciencefiles.org/2023/05/31/mrna-shots-verhalten-sich-wie-ein-virus-belegte-schaedigung-des-immunsystems-durch-booster-shots/ #Corona-Virus #Antikörper #mRNA-Shots #Comirnaty #mRNA-1273 #BionTech #BNT162b2 #Spikevax #Impfung #Booster #Moderna #Pfizer #IgG4
#igg4 #pfizer #moderna #booster #impfung #spikevax #bnt162b2 #biontech #comirnaty #mrna #antikorper #corona
Another listener question about a rumor COVID #mRNA vaccines change IgG1 antibodies to IgG4 and how #IgG4 actually doesn’t help with #COVID. Higher IgG4 counts correlate to lower allergy response, but nobody knows what higher IgG4 means for COVID. IgG4 doesn’t affect neutralization, but maybe affects something downstream in the immune response. But the #vaccines DO work, so that means that the IgG4 is “probably just fine.” 😉 16/
#mRNA #igg4 #COVID #vaccines #twivtldr
The #IgG4 Switcheroo after Repeated #SARSCoV2 #mRNA #Vaccinations | BAD, GOOD, OR MISUNDERSTOOD 🤔 | Shiv Pillai takes a look in Fascinating 'Focus' Article now at Science Magazine #Immunology | #antibodies | #IgG
#igg4 #SarsCoV2 #mrna #vaccinations #immunology #antibodies #igg
Ihr könnt mich später dafür "kloppen", dass ich auch auf anderen Netzwerken unterwegs bin 🫠- konkret eine ganze Beitragsreihe, auf die ich über Umwege auf Post.News gestossen bin (bislang habe ich E. Wyler noch nicht im Fediverse ausfindig gemacht - Korrekturen willkommen )...
#IgG4 u. #Impfungen
Sostienici Tutti noi di Eventi Avversi News vogliamo che siate sempre aggiornati. La nostra missione non è solo quella di tenere i riflettori accesi, noi vogliamo fornirvi i migliori contenuti. Se apprezzate il nostro lavoro e volete sostenerci, potete farlo con una libera donazione.
Di Igor Chu...
#29Dicembre #Scienza #covid19 #eventiavversi #igG4
#igg4 #eventiavversi #COVID19 #scienza #29dicembre
Sorry, sorry, sorry to keep giving links to the bird app. I just have not been finding this information here and want to do what I can to get it out. This is a very useful thread explaining the whole #mRNA vaccines and #IgG4 issue, both what it does and does not mean.
#mrna #igg4 #covid #CovidScience