The more you tell me that your #god is #mysterious, #unfathomable and beyond human comprehension the better I like it. As you are just as human as I am, what you are basically telling me is that you haven't a clue what you're talking about, and that means I don't need to take anything you say on that topic seriously. Show me a "god" concept that you can communicate successfully and then we might talk. Until then: dismissed. #ignosticism #atheism
#atheism #ignosticism #unfathomable #mysterious #god
"What evidence would it take for you to believe that there's a god"
As much as #atheists hate that question I think we should seriously try to answer it.
I reckon the answer is either an admission that suitably impressive pyrotechnics could trick you into believing in nonsense, or the realisation that such evidence cannot be imagined because neither you nor the believer have any idea what a "god" is supposed to be.
I don't know who first came up with the soundbite but I have made it my mission to rid the world of the claim that #atheists "lack a belief in god".
Yeah I know, one meaning of "lack" is "to be without", but if you look up the word "lack" you will see that it is primarily used to indicate a state of deprivation, shortage, an absence of something one NEEDS.
No thank you. I am not burdened with a belief in supernatural nonsense, but I #lack nothing.
#ignosticism #atheism #lack #atheists
I see a lot of atheists asking for "evidence" for the existence of a "god". Personally I think asking for something like that is putting the cart before the horse. Let's go right back to square one and start with me asking: "what does the word spelled as g, o and d actually mean?"
Until I get a satisfactory answer to that, and I mean satisfactory to ME, I cannot take any statement about any "god" seriously.
#atheism #ignosticism (and that is NOT a typo)