Today in Bogiperson news (NOT about the Supreme Court)
* Ignyte voting closes today
* Rosalind's Siblings cover reveal on Sunday
* SFRA conference
* TWO reviews! Ryka Aoki and William Sleator
Blog post on Bogi Reads the World:
#BogiReads #Ignyte #IgnyteAwards2023 #RosalindsSiblings #SFRA #Reviews #RykaAoki #WilliamSleator #TransLit #QueerBooks @bookstodon #Bookstodon #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Paranormal #Aliens #ScienceFictionStudies
#BogiReads #ignyte #ignyteawards2023 #rosalindssiblings #sfra #reviews #rykaaoki #williamsleator #translit #queerbooks #bookstodon #sciencefiction #fantasy #paranormal #aliens #sciencefictionstudies
I am a finalist for the #Ignyte Critics Award!!!
Together with Aigner Loren Wilson @cypayseur Christina Orlando & #NerdsOfAFeather !! Congrats everyone!!
I am both greatly honored and overjoyed about this!
Check out the Twitter thread from L.D. Lewis with all the categories, there's so much great stuff on the list! Audience voting is at the end -
#ignyte #nerdsofafeather #bookstodon #reviews #omg #ignyteawards2023