It's that time of year. Because nothing makes more sense at the height of summer than to send explosives & bullets into the sky, where they must eventually fall down. Can you tell I hate it? Because I hate it. It already sounds like a war zone where I am. Hope you stay safe, cool, and are somewhere quiet.
#FourthOfJuly #IHateIt #FauxPatriotism #StupidHoliday #ExcuseToMakeNoise #NobodyWithPetsLikesThis #PTSD #WatchYourFingers @horror #MotherSuspiriasMorningMeme
#fourthofjuly #ihateit #fauxpatriotism #stupidholiday #excusetomakenoise #nobodywithpetslikesthis #ptsd #watchyourfingers #mothersuspiriasmorningmeme
A reminder to be extra careful with your boosts/RTs/shares tomorrow. April Fools Day is bad. It might have been sort of fun before the internet and the weaponization of mass disinformation. It's not fun anymore. This year, of all years: Let's. Just. Not.
#ihateit #awfulday #worstday #aprilfools
Do I need to rant and rave about how much I hate Daylight Saving Time this year? #IHateIt #DidntHaveToBefore2006Here
#ihateit #didnthavetobefore2006here
Someone pitches me a technically simple, conceptually appealing well-documented tool to rebuild my archaic website.
I inevitably spend 5% of my time learning the fun new concepts (jekyll! github pages!) and 95% of my time troubleshooting an unmentioned technical dependency that I can't quite skip (ruby!). #everytime #ihateit
Did you know there are now more Pokémon than known dinosaur species?
Doing my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH WALK in the STUPID MELTING HALF-ASSED NOT EVEN SNOW for my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH and I STILL HATE IT and every step is really hard and I just have no energy for it #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupidmentalhealth #ihateit #calistrong #mentalhealth
#stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupidmentalhealth #ihateit #calistrong #mentalhealth
Do you guys get #overwhelmed when you have more than one appointment a day? Or if the week is somehow planed and you need to be at certain places at certain times?
I have so many appointments for the coming two weeks, #IHateIt.
#depression #anxiety
#overwhelmed #ihateit #depression #anxiety
If anybody out there is thinking about applying to PA school, just know that the process SUCKS! At this point, I’m pretty sure actual PA school will feel like a vacation.
Every single thing feels like it’s going to torpedo my applications. hatten ja schon immer ihre catchy Momente, aber derart auf den Punkt haben sie noch keinen Ohrwurm arrangiert. #Ihateit geht mir seit Tagen nicht aus dem Kopf 😮🙏