Om det er mandag?
Skal vi se.
Elgen spiste opp de 10-15 kg med epler jeg hadde liggende på vent på terrassen, inkludert årets største og fineste epler. ✅
Måtte ha alternativ gymtime fordi gymsalen er stengt pga valget, la ut på en liten sykkeltur, fikk ei skikkelig regnskur midtveis slik at alle ble gjennombløte. ✅
Jeg GLEMTE å ta med sykkel til nevnte sykkeltur, og måtte snu halvveis til jobb for å hente den ✅
Bare å glede seg til fortsettelsen her...
After one hour zombified in the office I realise I need more coffee. Proud of my zero productivity though 😅 #ihatemondays
Today is possibly slow for a Monday. I'm doing everything I can to stay awake. Someone save me?
It's Monday again… Can I just go back to bed until it's Tuesday? 😴☹️ #Tired #IHateMondays #No #FuckThis
#fuckthis #no #ihatemondays #tired
...followed by that sense of relief when you realize it's not as much work as you feared. #iHateMondays
The continued existence of #DaylightSavingsTime is concrete evidence that the United States government does, in fact, condone torture. #EndDST #IHateMondays
#daylightsavingstime #enddst #ihatemondays
Happy Mondaze!!! #garfield #successkeepsspittin #monday #juggalo #ihatemondays #MondayMadness #mondaymood #mondaymotivation
#garfield #successkeepsspittin #monday #juggalo #ihatemondays #mondaymadness #mondaymood #mondaymotivation
Garfield was right about Mondays! We should all hate Mondays!
#garfield #ihatemondays
When you have only Sundays off and you have to go to work on Monday it really sucks big time. You feel like you just slept on Saturday and woke up on Monday. #IHateMondays
I've realized that my brain works better at night, but thats bad for me. 2morrow i wanna cry :(
Hey #mastodon vous avez du mal à démarrer la journée ? (avec les collègues on a mis une heure à se mettre sérieusement au boulot ce matin) je vous propose cette pépite à écouter : Saint Leu par F.Raüber. Certains diront que ça endort moi ça m’aide à me concentrer. #classical #musique #music #lundi #ihatemondays #bonjour
#mastodon #classical #musique #music #lundi #ihatemondays #bonjour
Salut 🤗☕🍵
Profite bien de ton dernier lundi en homme libre ! 😉
La semaine prochaine, toi aussi tu fera partie du club des #IHateMondays et #JAimePasLeLundi😅
#JAimePasLeLundi #ihatemondays