Without doing any spoilers, "I Hate Suzie" is very good. It goes from manic to dramatic and back again in minutes while covering some heavy subjects. In case you've forgotten, Billie Piper has star power and real acting talent.
I'd like to recommend a TV series: #IHateSuzie (8 episodes in the first season) and #IHateSuzieToo (3 episodes in the second season).
The show, created by the writer Lucy Prebble and the star Billie Piper, is brilliant, sad, funny, stark, dramatic, and not for everyone.
#IHateSuzieToo shows something remarkable: a woman giving herself a medication abortion. I've never seen that on the screen or in real life, and it played out just as I expected.
#billiepiper #lucyprebble #ihatesuzietoo #ihatesuzie
Finished season 1 of #IHateSuzie. Wow. Just wow. So powerful.
So many things I want to talk about but that would be spoilers.
Need a break before starting season 2, though. #Streaming #TV
IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS: #BilliePiper is at it again - bearing emotional scars in public on #SkyAtlantic & #HBOMax on #IHateSuzieToo. But does her and Lucy Prebble's three episode drama about celebrity hit the heights of the previous series?.. https://loveitinpomona.blogspot.com/2022/12/in-mouth-of-madness-i-hate-suzie-too.html #lucyprebble #dance #celebrity #socialmedia #ihatesuzie #mentalhealth #tabloids #scandal #custodybattle #meltdown #publiceye #realitytv #Joker #danielings #phildaniels
#billiepiper #skyatlantic #hbomax #ihatesuzietoo #lucyprebble #dance #celebrity #socialmedia #ihatesuzie #mentalhealth #tabloids #scandal #custodybattle #meltdown #publiceye #RealityTV #Joker #danielings #phildaniels
I Hate Suzie Too is brutal and brilliant. I had the most fucked-up dreams after watching the finale last night.
TV TONIGHT (December 22)
#TheBestMan #IHateSuzie #AliceInBorderland #SortOf #LoveForTheAges #HipHopHomicides #Branson #AChristmasGift #EmerilTailgates #RHOM #StarTrekProdigy #NFL #CollegeFootball #SiestaKey #MDLLA #InterrogationRaw #BrinkOfDisaster
#brinkofdisaster #interrogationraw #mdlla #siestakey #collegefootball #NFL #StarTrekProdigy #rhom #emeriltailgates #achristmasgift #branson #hiphophomicides #lovefortheages #sortof #AliceinBorderland #ihatesuzie #thebestman
TV TONIGHT (December 22)
#TheBestMan #IHateSuzie #AliceInBorderland #SortOf #LoveForTheAges #HipHopHomicides #Branson #AChristmasGift #EmerilTailgates #RHOM #StarTrekProdigy #NFL #CollegeFootball #SiestaKey #MDLLA #InterrogationRaw #BrinkOfDisaster
#brinkofdisaster #interrogationraw #mdlla #siestakey #collegefootball #NFL #StarTrekProdigy #rhom #emeriltailgates #achristmasgift #branson #hiphophomicides #lovefortheages #sortof #AliceinBorderland #ihatesuzie #thebestman
Not sure #WhatToWatch this weekend? Some options, via @ew:
*The 18 best shows of 2022: https://ew.com/tv/best-and-worst-tv-shows-of-2022/
* #KindredFX: https://ew.com/tv/tv-reviews/kindred-review-fx-on-hulu-octavia-butler-adaptation/
* #IHateSuzie (watch ahead of season 2 on 12/22!): https://ew.com/tv/tv-reviews/i-hate-suzie-review/
#ihatesuzie #kindredfx #whattowatch
Not sure #WhatToWatch this weekend? Some options, via @ew:
*The 18 best shows of 2022: https://ew.com/tv/best-and-worst-tv-shows-of-2022/
* #KindredFX: https://ew.com/tv/tv-reviews/kindred-review-fx-on-hulu-octavia-butler-adaptation/
* #IHateSuzie (watch ahead of season 2 on 12/22!): https://ew.com/tv/tv-reviews/i-hate-suzie-review/
#ihatesuzie #kindredfx #whattowatch