My snake sightings data viz made the Information is Beautiful Awards 2023 Longlist alongside some spectacular entries this year 😊
#dataviz #iibawards #informationisbeautiful
I'm very happy to see four of my data visualisations long-listed at the 2023 Information is Beautiful Awards! All of mine were made using #RStats, using publicly available data - most of them shared via #TidyTuesday!
You can see mine and other visualisations at:
#rstats #tidytuesday #dataviz #iibawards #informationisbeautiful
Unsere Absolventen Fidel Thomet @fidel und Thomas Haas gewinnen Silber in der COVID-19 Kategorie der 2022 #IIBAwards für ihren visuellen Artikel, der erklärt wie Tracing-Apps die Privatsphäre wahren:
Zur Pressemitteilung:
Die Information is Beautiful Awards sind die Oscars der #Datenvisualisierung
#UrbaneZukunft #DataVis #InfoBeautyAward @uclab_potsdam
#iibawards #datenvisualisierung #urbanezukunft #datavis #infobeautyaward
Couldn’t be more grateful! My project: ‘The first 100 days of protests rocking Hong’ won SILVER for the Current Affairs & Politics category in the 2022 Information is Beautiful Award run by Data Visualization Society #IIBAwards
Super honored (and surprised and thrilled!) that our project won ✨Gold✨ prize at the #IIBAwards last night. Thank you to all the judges, the @DataVizSociety, the other amazing contestants/projects — and of course @2nfo for taking a leap on this project with me.
Tutti i vincitori dell'Information is Beautiful Award, che si è tenuto questa notte.
#IIBAwards @DataVizSociety
So many inspiring #dataviz projects at the #iibawards tonight!
Potato is more excited about the #iibawards than I was expecting! #dataviz #datafam
Okay #DataViz and #SciComm community. Everyone needs to go watch "Comparing Tools for Creating Award Winning Data Visualizations" from the #DataVizualizationSociety for the "Information is Beautiful" #iibawards
They use different tools (R, D3, RAWGraphs, Flourish) to recreate a graph from Five Thirty-Eight. Comparing the pros and cons of each tool is really illuminating
#iibawards #datavizualizationsociety #scicomm #dataviz
In the run-up for the "Information is Beautiful" Awards #iibawards today, we met yesterday to recreate some of the shortlisted #dataviz pieces by @fivethirtyeight with:
#rstats and #ggplot2 | #D3 and #Svelte | #Flourish and #RAWgraphs
Watch the results and our discussion and conclusions here 👉
#rawgraphs #flourish #svelte #d3 #ggplot2 #rstats #dataviz #iibawards
So I arrived in Washington DC for the Information is Beautiful awards. A few of us are trying to arrange a dinner on Tuesday (Nov 29). 🍽️
Anyone on dataviz Mastodon is interested to join? Would love to see this new medium recreate the magic of connecting in person when the opportunity arises.
There are worse places to prepare a workshop.
But also there are certainly more great things to do in NYC than preparing workshops...
#workshop #rstats #ggplot2 #dataviz #iibawards
Soon leaving to NYC, on my way to the Information is Beautiful awards 😎🛫🗽
#iibawards #datavizsociety #dataviz
#dataviz #datavizsociety #iibawards
I’ll be attending the Information is Beautiful Awards ceremony in Washington D.C. on Wednesday November 30th. ✨
I’ll also be presenting one of our shortlisted projects during the afternoon session. 📽️
Let me know in the replies if I’ll you’ll be there and be sure to follow up in person. 🤜
📢 Come and meet me in Washington DC where I am going to teach a #workshop on designing #dataviz in #rstats with #ggplot2 in the run-up for the "Information is Beautiful Awards" 👐
#datavisualization #tidyverse #iibawards #ggplot2 #rstats #dataviz #workshop
My visual experiment showing the global surface temperature anomalies over the last 130 years has been shortlisted for the Information is beautiful award #IIBAwards 🎉
#climatechange #climatecrisis #globalwarming
#iibawards #climatechange #climatecrisis #globalwarming
Voilà: has three projects shortlisted at the #iibawards. 🙌🏻
To celebrate and to announce it to our networks, we have created these two visualizations. All projects are included in the fireworks and all finalists are named in the torch.
More details and links to the projects in this blog post.
#datavisualization #dataviz #iibawards
Since the #iibawards are the talk of (this part of) town and just around the corner, let’s bring back this provocative piece from @jschwabish, published in February.