A company's health is reflected in its #financialstatements. Mastering the art of #financialreporting as well as analysis, combined with a sound knowledge of #corporategovernance, can significantly enhance a #financeprofessional's value and bestow a unique advantage to those who want to assess businesses. Here's a unique learning opportunity from #IIMAhmedabad to help you master three crucial aspects of corporate financial health in four months.
Apply Now: https://iima.vcnow.in/
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Often hidden within business data, are remarkable stories that have not been heard. While data is easily accessible, tapping into these stories and bringing out actionable insights require specialized #BusinessAnalytics knowledge & skills. #IIMAhmedabad's Executive Programme in Advanced Business Analytics is designed especially for busy #workingprofessionals to gain a strong hold of this skill in a short time frame without having to take a break from their regular jobs.
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