IKEA’s Billy Bookshelf is a Useful 3D Printing Enclosure - The results from your 3D printer may be improved if you use a dedicated enclosure ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/29/ikeas-billy-bookshelf-is-a-useful-3d-printing-enclosure/ #3dprinterhacks #3dprinting #3dprinter #ikeahacks #ikea
#ikea #ikeahacks #3dprinter #3dprinting #3dprinterhacks
I duellen om #voksenpoeng eller #pappapoeng vil jeg gjerne anføre denne senga, plassbygget med noen skarve #IKEA-hyller til sokkel og ellers plank fra Maxbo og skruer som lå i skuffen. Forrige prosjekt, en hjørnehylle, fikk vurdering av fattern: «Har du spikka’n med øks»?
Hovedpoenget var å få plass til en seng innafor dørkarmen, og de fleste ferdigsenger var noen cm for brede…
Jeg er ganske fornøyd. Mildt sagt.
Nå øl.
#voksenpoeng #pappapoeng #ikea #Norsktut #interior #ikeahacks
Do you have an #Ikea Norden table? Should I get one? Should I put casters on it?
My apartment is tiny so anything in that vein would be appreciated.
#ikeaHacks #apartmentLife
#ikea #ikeahacks #apartmentlife
Hacking the IKEA OBEGRÄNSAD LED Wall Lamp https://hackaday.com/2023/05/25/hacking-the-ikea-obegransad-led-wall-lamp/ #homehacks #ikeahacks #pixellamp #LEDHacks #LEDpanel #ESP32
#homehacks #ikeahacks #pixellamp #LEDHacks #ledpanel #ESP32
Hacking the IKEA OBEGRÄNSAD LED Wall Lamp - The IKEA OBEGRÄNSAD is a pixel-style LED wall lamp that comes with a few baked-in ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/25/hacking-the-ikea-obegransad-led-wall-lamp/ #homehacks #ikeahacks #pixellamp #ledhacks #ledpanel #esp32
#esp32 #ledpanel #ledhacks #pixellamp #ikeahacks #homehacks
@rlafuente Gosto imenso de Ikea hacks. Também eu abdiquei recentemente do escritório por um quarto para o meu do meio (aparte: adoro as expressões, a minha mainova, o meu maivelho e o meu do meio)
Adiante, usei prateleiras que sobraram de um armário para fazer estantes e pendurar os phones
Close to the final setup!
Want to get my light strip setup around the back edge of my monitor stand and the cable management needs improvement.
I’d love to hear suggestions on what could be improved or added. Any ideas?
#gaming #pcgaming #desk #desks #ikea #ikeahack #ikeahacks
Here’s an update. Got the monitors up. Just have cables everywhere at the moment!
Should be able to get it mostly finished by tonight, but I’ve got some 3M double sided tape and other bits on order that I need to properly finish it.
#gaming #pcgaming #desk #desks #ikea #ikeahack #ikeahacks
“This easy IKEA hack only takes 15 minutes!”
It’s not fucking easy when the nearest IKEA is 461 miles away, goddammit.
Como me tengo que quedar encerrada este maravilloso finde de sol por culpa del dichoso covid (again! 🤬), me he puesto a mirar ruedas para ponerle a una estantería #kallax. Y estoy totalmente perdida con todas las opciones.
¿Alguien de por aquí conoce o ha hecho algo parecido? (¡Halludah!).
Definitely going to do this to my two cabinets.
Laser Cut Clips Save A Lamp From The Trash https://hackaday.com/2022/12/25/laser-cut-clips-save-a-lamp-from-the-trash/ #RepairHacks #homehacks #ikeahacks #ikealamp #lasercut #PETG
#RepairHacks #homehacks #ikeahacks #ikealamp #lasercut #petg
Laser Cut Clips Save A Lamp From The Trash - Ikea have been known for years as a purveyor of inexpensive yet stylish homewares... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/25/laser-cut-clips-save-a-lamp-from-the-trash/ #repairhacks #homehacks #ikeahacks #ikealamp #lasercut #petg
#petg #lasercut #ikealamp #ikeahacks #homehacks #repairhacks
Today I combined an Orfjall seat with my existing Dalfred stool. Coding my game the last couple of days took a toll on my back. Hunching over like a gremlin isn't cute 😓
Spent most of the day biking to 4 different hardware stores. Turns out I had the correct bolts at home all along...
#interiordesign #diy #hack #stepbystep #illustration #illustrator #graphicdesign #ergonomics #ergonomicsolutions #ikea #ikeahacks
#ikeahacks #ikea #ergonomicsolutions #ergonomics #GraphicDesign #illustrator #illustration #stepbystep #hack #diy #interiordesign
C’est pratique les accessoires IKEA pour leurs bibliothèques : quatre coups de cutter, et on a une splendide maison pour chat !
(Au final on ne garde que Pourriel, étant donné qu’elle ne me cause pas d’allergie…)