Ik hoor kerkklokken. Als heiden geen idee of er een religieus iets is vandaag of gewoon iemand iets te vieren heeft of juist niet te vieren. Of beieren ze niet voor wakes? #iknownothing
Benito Mussolini coined the term “fascism” in 1919 to describe his political movement. I've always thought the term was related to the Italian word faccia for the face. It seems to me that fascism is characterized by a hatred of people with different face. #IKnowNothing #Musing #Ism
Toot like no one knows what you are talking about. #feditips #ItsMe #IKnowNothing
#iknownothing #itsme #feditips
#BestThingToday is experimenting with sniffing bits of paper in ziplock bags.
It is very related to the #SecondBestThingYesterday which was going into a perfume shop in order to learn more about #smelling #smells and #brains.
Me. A 55 year old man, who has never done anything other than: try to not smell of anything.
The lovely person half my height, half my age and of the contradictory gender, explained patiently which few of the SIX HUNDRED bottles I should try. (She had eyelashes so big that they made my eyelid muscles ache in sympathy.)
So I ended up with these littlebaggies and strips of paper. I thought I coul open them with coffee.
Onwards with learning....
#bestthingtoday #secondbestthingyesterday #smelling #smells #brains #iknownothing