First report on prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea, by Yacouba Cissé, Special Rapporteur of the ILC - #Intlaw #ILC_2023
Sea-level rise in relation to international law: Additional paper to the first issues paper (2020), by Bogdan Aurescu and Nilüfer Oral, Co-Chairs of the Study Group on sea-level rise in relation to international law - #Intlaw #ILC_2023
Memorandum by the ILC Secretariat: Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law—Elements in the previous work of the International Law Commission that could be particularly relevant to the topic - #Intlaw #ILC_2023
The International Law Commission has commenced its consideration of the settlement of international disputes to which international organizations are parties. For links to documents and archived video of the debate - #Intlaw #ILC_2023
The 74th session of the International Law Commission starts on Tuesday, 24 April 2023, and with it the beginning of a new quinquennium and a new (mostly) Commission. More information at: - #Intlaw #ILC_2023