@artean I assume you'd know #OnceUponATimeInSpace style cartoons as well.
LOVE that song.
The whole Once Upon A... series with Life, DNA or the body for one. I don't remember them all & the title makes it a difficult search.
#IlEtaitUneFoisLEspace #AlbertBarille #80sCartoons #OnceUponATimeLife #OnceUponATimeMan #IlÉtaitUneFois #MichelLegrand
#onceuponatimeinspace #iletaitunefoislespace #albertbarille #80scartoons #onceuponatimelife #onceuponatimeman #iletaitunefois #michellegrand
Joke's on me. Howl's Moving Castle isn't on Netflix Nordic anymore. Neither is 'Il Était Une Fois... l'Éspace' - another animation with planned work. I have backup plans, but *hrgnfr*!
#iletaitunefois #howlsmovingcastle
#BlagueÀ2Fal - nº18 - Quelle fée est la plus paresseuse ? C’est la fainéante.
#calembour #IlEtaitUneFois
…∀S∀N ɐן ǝp sǝnbıɟıʇuǝıɔs sǝp sןnɔןɐɔ sǝן sèɹdɐ’ᗡ
#blaguea2fal #calembour #iletaitunefois