Alrighty LOL, I got the first set of scans back from the Lab late this afternoon - #IlfordPanF in my 620 Box Brownie for the #ShittyCameraChallenge and they are truly shitty LOL. This is my fault and there is no chance of me making it to Valhalla at this rate. It was bright but probably not bright enough for this film on that day - anyway submitting to the Elder Gods - I will need to go Viking again with the Box Brownie - Valhalla - Valhalla - Valhalla - VALHALLAAAAAAAHH
#ilfordpanf #shittycamerachallenge
Trees behind a dry stone wall on Burbage Moor
#filmphotography #ilfordpanf #hasselbad
Fallen tree in Lady Canning's Plantation
#filmphotography #ilfordpanf #hasselbad
Leaning in Lady Canning's Plantation
#filmphotography #ilfordpanf #hasselbad
Ox stones, Burbage Moor
6x17 crop
Ox stones, Burbage Moor
Ox Stones, Burbage Moor
Finally finished my first #Ilfordpanf+. Now let's see what developer should I use....hmm....
#OM2n #filmphotography
#ilfordpanf #OM2n #filmphotography
People are small 16
Found this on my most recent roll, and seems to fit in nicely.
#BelieveInFilm #AnaloguePhotography #FilmPhotography #IShootIlford #IShootFilm #AnalogPhotography
#snowdonia #eryri #MynyddMawr
#mountain #mynydda #photo #photography #ilfordPanF #hiking #HillWalking #PeopleAreSmall #mountaineering #GogleddCymru #NorthWales #landscape #ArtAdventCalendar #monochrome #BlackAndWhite #Moody
#moody #blackandwhite #monochrome #ArtAdventCalendar #landscape #NorthWales #gogleddcymru #mountaineering #peoplearesmall #hillwalking #hiking #ilfordpanf #photography #photo #mynydda #mountain #mynyddmawr #eryri #snowdonia #analogphotography #ishootfilm #ishootilford #filmphotography #analoguephotography #believeinfilm
People are small 16
Found this on my most recent roll, and seems to fit in nicely.
#BelieveInFilm #AnaloguePhotography #FilmPhotography #IShootIlford #IShootFilm #AnalogPhotography
#snowdonia #eryri #MynyddMawr
#mountain #mynydda #photo #photography #ilfordPanF #hiking #HillWalking #PeopleAreSmall #mountaineering #GogleddCymru #NorthWales #landscape #ArtAdventCalendar #monochrome #BlackAndWhite #Moody
#moody #blackandwhite #monochrome #ArtAdventCalendar #landscape #NorthWales #gogleddcymru #mountaineering #peoplearesmall #hillwalking #hiking #ilfordpanf #photography #photo #mynydda #mountain #mynyddmawr #eryri #snowdonia #analogphotography #ishootfilm #ishootilford #filmphotography #analoguephotography #believeinfilm