Hmmmm, with 2+2+500 Pyro HD E.M.A. I've done Pan F at 21 minutes with three sets of agitation and FP4 at 26 minutes with three sets of agitation successfully yet it's recommended to use 45 minutes with HP5, that feels like quite a jump to me. Hmmmmmmmmm....... not using HP5 just yet so plenty of time to do a deep dive.
#ScratchesChin #PyroHD #ExtremeMinimalAgitation #Photography #BelieveInFilm #IlfordPhoto
#scratcheschin #pyrohd #extrememinimalagitation #photography #believeinfilm #ilfordphoto
First portrait with the medium format Pentax67.
🎞 Ilford HP5+, 120 format
📷 Pentax 67 MLU— Super Multi-coated Takumar 105mm f2.4
🧪 Kodak D-76 Developer
#mediumformat #BelieveInFiIm #filmdev #FilmIsNotDead #mediumformatphotography #120film #pentax #pentax67 #supermulticoatedtakumar #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #shootfilm #slr #analoguecommunity #analoguephotography #grainisgood #portrait #portraitphotography #mediumformatportrait #ilfordhp5 #ilford #ilfordphoto
#mediumformat #believeinfiim #filmdev #filmisnotdead #mediumformatphotography #120film #pentax #pentax67 #supermulticoatedtakumar #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #shootfilm #slr #analoguecommunity #analoguephotography #grainisgood #portrait #portraitphotography #mediumformatportrait #ilfordhp5 #Ilford #ilfordphoto
Fenced and framed
📷Boots MiniTwin AF (Ricoh FF10) 🎞️ Ilford XP2
#ShittyCameraChallenge #IlfordPhoto #BlackAndWhitePhotography #BelieveInFilm
#shittycamerachallenge #ilfordphoto #blackandwhitephotography #believeinfilm
La ville à mille à l'heure. Vacarme à rendre sourd. Dos inconnu sur le quai. Immobile alors que tout vacille alentour.
Tirage argentique, 10x15cm, papier Ilford Multigrade
#photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35mmphotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
#photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35MMPhotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
Matin caniculaire. 10h03 au poignet. Ivresse caféinée. Que faire de cette putain de journée ?
Tirage argentique, 10x15cm, papier Ilford Multigrade
#photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35mmphotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
#photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35MMPhotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
Rayons du soir sur nuque. Consommations consommées. Un monde parallèle est à ma portée. --- Tirage argentique, 10x15cm, papier Ilford Multigrade --- #photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35mmphotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
#photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35MMPhotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
Flash à fond. Ce n'est qu'un corps. Mon corps. Aussi imparfait soit-il. N'ayez pas peur. Ce n'est qu'un corps. Ce n'est que mon corps. --- Tirage argentique, 10x15cm, papier Ilford Multigrade --- #photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35mmphotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
#photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35MMPhotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
Marcheur urbain. Notification sonore. Tu as un message. --- Tirage argentique, 10x15cm, papier Ilford Multigrade --- #photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35mmphotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
#photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35MMPhotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
Remise en place. Marches galerie. Mon regard entouré de merveilles. --- Tirage argentique, 10x15cm, papier Ilford Multigrade --- #photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35mmphotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
#photographieargentique #analogphotography #analogfilm #analog #blackandwhitephoto #filmphotography #photoart #filmisnotdead #bnw #bnwphotography #35mm #35mmfilm #35MMPhotography #selfdevelopedfilm #35mmphoto #35mmfilmphoto #35mmportrait #35mmcamera #film35mm #ilfordphoto #tirageargentique
Blimey, they seem to have come out lovely, no change to either box speed nor the development time. Will see how they look properly once dry.
#Photography #BelieveInFilm #ShootFilmStayBroke #HomeDeveloping #IlfordPhoto
#photography #believeinfilm #shootfilmstaybroke #homedeveloping #ilfordphoto
Redbank Wood above Grasmere
A path I’d never been on before, cutting down from Loughrigg Terrace to the lake below.
📷Olympus OMN2 🎞️ Ilford XP2
#BelieveInFilm #filmphotography #Ilfordphoto #LakeDistrict #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Trees
#believeinfilm #filmphotography #ilfordphoto #lakedistrict #blackandwhitephotography #trees
Two photos taken in Edinburgh in April this year. The photos will likely need a click to view full width.
Camera: Ilford Sportsman Mk 1
Film: Ilford FP4+ 35mm
#believeinfilm #filmphotography #ilfordphoto #ilfordfp4
Two photos taken in Edinburgh in April this year. The photos will likely need a click to view full width.
Camera: Ilford Sportsman Mk 1
Film: Ilford FP4+
#believeinfilm #filmphotography #ilfordphoto #ilfordfp4
Two photos taken in Edinburgh in April this year.
Camera: Ilford Sportsman Mk 1
Film: Ilford FP4+
#believeinfilm #filmphotography #ilfordphoto #ilfordfp4
House clearing, but not without one of my cameras........
#BelieveInFilm #35mm #Photography #ShootFilmStayBroke #StayBrokeShootFilm #IlfordPhoto
#believeinfilm #35mm #photography #shootfilmstaybroke #staybrokeshootfilm #ilfordphoto
Mam własne paparazzi, które mnie uwiecznia jak robię fotki :)
#photo #photographybw #photography #fotografia #fotografiaanalogowa #analog #analogphotography #ilford #ilfordphoto
#ilfordphoto #ilford #analogphotography #analog #fotografiaanalogowa #fotografia #photography #photographybw #photo
Rolka przestrzelona, teraz tylko zanieść do wywołania!
#photo #photographybw #photography #fotografia #fotografiaanalogowa #analog #analogphotography #ilford #ilfordphoto
#ilfordphoto #ilford #analogphotography #analog #fotografiaanalogowa #fotografia #photography #photographybw #photo
Ad just me.
Pentax 6x7 90mm f/2.8
Ilford HP5 Plus 400
Rodinal 1+100
#ilfordfilm #ilfordhp5 #ilfordphoto #believeinfilm #filmphotography #filmselfie #selfportrait #flashphotography
#ilfordfilm #ilfordhp5 #ilfordphoto #believeinfilm #filmphotography #filmselfie #selfportrait #flashphotography
I’m on this side of the yard multiple times a day and almost always never actually look around.
Shot on Ilford HP5 with a Holga. Developed in #cinestilldf96 and scanned at home.
#film #120film #holga #holga120 #ilford #ilfordhp5 #ilfordphoto #mediumformatphotography #barboursville #barboursvillewv
#cinestilldf96 #film #120film #holga #holga120 #ilford #ilfordhp5 #ilfordphoto #mediumformatphotography #barboursville #barboursvillewv
Mamiya 6 MF
150mm F4.5
Ilford Delta 3200
#believeinfilm #ilfordphoto