And then there is the currently reading stack…read big or go home 😀📚 #bookstodon #books #theology @bookstodon #ilikebigbooks
#ilikebigbooks #theology #books #bookstodon
@fkamiah17 @timesmith @rob @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon KOBO for travel is great! The charge lasts days and days, possibly weeks, depending on your reading habits. It’s so light and convenient. I particularly like the backlight, highlighter, and notes features. Still, nothing beats the heft and aroma of dead trees & dyes! #ilikebigbooks #bibliophibian #bibliophile
#ilikebigbooks #bibliophibian #bibliophile
Congratulations to spiffy reader Holly H, who won a copy of WAYWARD by @chuckwendig, annotated by yours truly. I have done the annotation giveaway thing several times now (through my newsletter) and it’s always a blast. And WAYWARD is a heckuva ride, y’all, just a huge chonk of adventure, highly recommended. Grab it for yourself or your favorite peeps who like #reading #ILikeBigBooks
Let's see how many hashtags of nerdilicious awesomeness we can add here...
#writer #author #wheeloftime #wot #brandonsanderson #MichaelWhelan #Tor #KimHarrison #JimButcher #KevinHearne #JimCHines #CassandraClaire #SarahJMaas #MarissaMeyer
#fantasybooks #ILikeBigBooks #historicalromance #historybooks #urbanfantasy
#history #IrishHistory #EnglishHistory #AmericanHistory #GreekHistory #mythology
#writer #author #wheeloftime #wot #brandonsanderson #michaelwhelan #Tor #kimharrison #jimbutcher #kevinhearne #jimchines #cassandraclaire #sarahjmaas #marissameyer #fantasybooks #ilikebigbooks #historicalromance #historybooks #urbanfantasy #bridgerton #johannalindsay #history #irishhistory #englishhistory #americanhistory #greekhistory #mythology