Beautiful outside. Gorgeous sunshine. Lovely snow, but not too deep. Maybe I'll take a walk. [Checks thermometer] 3 degrees Fahrenheit? Uhhh, how about Mastodon, coffee, and a chunk of dark chocolate instead.

#ilikeducks #cold #centraloregon #coffee

Last updated 2 years ago

Important statement about Ukraine (where I am not, nor am I from there). Hard position on inflation (which I can do nothing about). Knowledgeable-sounding opinion on Biden's hidden papers (which I've never seen). Obscure reference to coding jargon (that I don't understand). Link to embarrassingly young, attractive boy band and/or Timothee Chalamet (who I'll never meet but if I did, I'm old enough to be their mom). Hello, Mastodon!


Last updated 2 years ago

@xiane Actually, I grew up near Eugene, Oregon -- so there are a lot of pro-duck people in my life. University of Oregon mascot is a duck!


Last updated 2 years ago

The sun's coming out in Central Oregon. I woke up too early and I'm cranky. And I dabbled in a tiny bit of caffeine, which I rarely do.

Also: I like ducks!

#ilikeducks #voidscreaming #centraloregon

Last updated 2 years ago