What I learned from taking a train across the US
Video producer Dean Peterson makes a 72-hour journey on Amtrak from LA to NYC to show its current state of operation. From getting kicked in the head by his sleeping seat mate to taking in sweeping views of the desert at sunset, Dean shows the highs and lows of being stuck on Amtrak for days on end.
Dawno nie jeździłem pociągami, nie wiem dlaczego w sumie, teraz już nie są takie zapyziałe kontenery jak kiedyś, a to nadal wygodniejsze niż tłuczenie się busem...
🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
🎵 Dig In
15 years ago, #ILikeTrains @iLiKETRAiNS at @nouveaucasino @Paris https://www.photosconcerts.com/i-like-trains-paris-nouveau-casino-2008-04-08-2419 @BeggarsFrance #PhotosConcerts #RobertGil
#iliketrains #photosconcerts #robertgil
Picked this I LIKE TRAINS live album up yesterday during Bandcamp Friday.
Superb! I need to get this band seen!
Got a sweet ILT shirt on the way as well. I like I LIKE TRAINS and I like trains. 😆
#bandcamp #iliketrains #trains
The Silver Meteor in Miami, 27h and 2200+km after leaving New York.
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
I Like Trains:
🎵 Terra Nova
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #iliketrains
Some hashtags to get things going.
#books #RobertAntonWilson #sciencefiction #TerryPrachett #modesitt #neilgaiman
#coffee #coffeechat #v60 #thirdwave #aeropress
#dogs #DogsOfMastodon #airedaleterrier #airedaleterriers
#music #interpol #iliketrains #blackkeys #pavement #indie #postrock #blues #nickcave
#books #robertantonwilson #sciencefiction #terryprachett #modesitt #neilgaiman #coffee #coffeechat #v60 #thirdwave #aeropress #dogs #dogsofmastodon #airedaleterrier #airedaleterriers #music #interpol #iliketrains #blackkeys #pavement #indie #postrock #blues #nickcave
Some hashtags to get things going.
#books #RobertAntonWilson #sciencefiction #TerryPrachett #modesitt #neilgaiman
#books #coffeechat #v60 #thirdwave #aeropress
#dogs #DogsOfMastodon #airedaleterrier #airedaleterriers
#music #interpol #iliketrains #blackkeys #pavement #indie #postrock #blues #nickcave
#books #robertantonwilson #sciencefiction #terryprachett #modesitt #neilgaiman #coffeechat #v60 #thirdwave #aeropress #dogs #dogsofmastodon #airedaleterrier #airedaleterriers #music #interpol #iliketrains #blackkeys #pavement #indie #postrock #blues #nickcave
The Tube
#tunnel #boring #tunnels #tunnelvision #tunnelblick #trains #train #iliketrains #transport #tracks #rails #railroad #track #gleise #gleisbett #gleis #daliegteingleisaufdenschienen #schienen #schiene #berlin #potsdamerplatz #deutschebahn #db #bah… https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-_WMzqt8I/ https://t.co/ArH1eYsGSY
#gleise #gleisbett #tunnel #boring #tunnels #tunnelvision #tunnelblick #trains #train #iliketrains #transport #tracks #rails #railroad #track #bah #gleis #daliegteingleisaufdenschienen #schienen #schiene #berlin #potsdamerplatz #deutschebahn #db
The night train from Sofia to Varna: https://rhiaro.co.uk/2019/11/night-train-to-varna #travel #iliketrains (tl;dr it was lovely)