Home Office ‘may fit asylum seekers with electronic tags’ | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian
#homeoffice #tags #asylumseekers #IllegalMigrationBill #rwanda #illegalmigrationact #Braverman #unhcr #bedfordshire
If you are depressed by the #IllegalMigrationAct, here is some joyous news from #Brighton #refugee charity Thousand 4 Thousand. https://www.thousand4thousand.org.uk/t4ceilidh-t4k-june-update/
There are some uplifting thoughts about #tea, #SelmaJames, and #WideSargassoSea. There is also an announcement of the upcoming T4 Ceilidh. Fun, love and silly dancing
#illegalmigrationact #brighton #refugee #tea #selmajames #widesargassosea