We have much to be grateful for in America, but this year’s 4th is tenuous because our freedoms are disappearing & dark forces threaten democracy: On🇺🇸Day 2023, justice, the “general welfare,” “equal protection of the laws” & “life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness” are all at risk. The inequalities most in need of congressional action: voting, abortion, & guns. Insightful article. #IllegitimateSC #GOPSabotage #RepublicanLies #ExpandTheCourt https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/freedom-under-attack-fourth-july-rcna92412
#illegitimatesc #gopsabotage #republicanlies #ExpandTheCourt
Merely criticizing the SC’s result is misguided & unproductive-the task is to expose the SC’s disintegration as a legit. judicial body -note its emergence as a supreme RW policymaker *operates on an ends-justify-the-means basis, shreds legal doctrine & dishonestly presents the fact. Term limits, jurisdiction stripping, court expansion & ethics reform should be on the table -we must dedicate ourselves to robust & authentic democracy. #IllegitimateSC #CorruptSC #GOPSabotage https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/04/supreme-court-illegitimate-self-government/
#illegitimatesc #corruptsc #gopsabotage
Good: Activists spurred by affirmative action ruling challenge legacy admissions at Harvard. #EqualRights #IllegitimateSC #CorruptSC #CorruptGOP #GOPSabotage https://apnews.com/article/legacy-admissions-affirmative-action-colleges-4a4e1191274e91e695e0631ff5156875
#equalrights #illegitimatesc #corruptsc #corruptgop #gopsabotage
Thank you @SheldonWhitehouse
Long before Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett committed perjury the SC was already corrupt under Scalia
CJ John Roberts steered in$10M to his wife
Even before #GinniThomas committed sedition Clarence Thomas had been taking $$$$ from Harlan Crow since 2011
Samuel Alito is just a horrible & angry Christfascist
#illegitimatesc #supremecourtstench #ginnithomas