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lady troodle · @TriciaScott
79 followers · 669 posts · Server

@Richard_Littler but we’re stuck with the haunted pencil, Fabricunt and Priti Aweful in Parliament for the rest of their lives… not to mention Benjamin Houchen?!? WTF. They are the swamp.

#HouseofLords #ToryCorruption #borisjohnson #ToryScum #fascism #sovereignindividual #illiberaldemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

Anna C. Zielinska · @aziel
437 followers · 43 posts · Server

The GOP, like Orban and his party in Hungary, wants power above all else. It may be draped in Christian nationalist clothing and "moral" leanings, but it is only about the power to destroy democracy, become dictators and then seize the wealth of their nations. They are brainwashing and using their supporter's fear and ignorance against them and their countries.

Florida’s Ron DeSantis Is Just a Step Behind Hungary’s Fascist Viktor Orbán - Truthout

"The similarities between the tactics used by the GOP and the government of Viktor Orbán — the authoritarian prime minister of Hungary — are not incidental.

“...Many right-wing U.S. intellectuals and journalists (Rod Dreher, Patrick Deneen, Tucker Carslon, etc.) consider Orbán as a role model,” Zsolt Enyedi, a professor at Central European University in Vienna told Truthout. “For a while I thought that they don’t know what Orbán is doing in terms of centralization, removing checks and balances, clampdown on freedom of speech, etc., but now I think they know it and they like it…. Once [Donald] Trump is replaced by a better organized and smarter leader, U.S. democracy can get into real danger.”

Orbán, the head of Hungary’s far right Fidesz party, which secured a third supermajority in the Parliament in 2022, has unapologetically dubbed his own style of governance as an “illiberal democracy” — a regime that Amnesty International describes as being characterized by “a strong state, a weak opposition, and emaciated checks and balances.” In the past decade, Orbán has targeted marginalized populations such as the Roma, LGBTQ and Jewish communities.

Activist Viktor Mak, who moved from Hungary to Vienna in March, explained to Truthout that the Orbán government has tactfully fostered Orbán as “the leader of this global conservative movement,” fostering the authoritarian turn of the Republican Party and stoking the far right in the U.S.

William Horne, a history scholar and postdoctoral fellow at Villanova University, also underscored the active connections between right-wing forces in Hungary and the U.S.

“While we tend to think about these as separate threats, in many respects, they are part of the same global fascist movement supported and spread by the same far right information networks,” Horne told Truthout. “While Republicans praise the repressive regimes of adversaries because of their oppressive nature, they have worked hard to court and create what is now a burgeoning global fascist movement. [The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)] is a prime example of these efforts, with Christian nationalist dictators like Orbán literally taking center stage.”

Close on Hungary’s Heels, Florida Tests Out Authoritarian Polices in the U.S.
The recent anti-democratic attacks in state legislatures across the U.S., such as silencing and ousting political opponents, targeting citizens’ bodily autonomy, undermining intellectual freedom and limiting minorities’ access to public life are part of the basic playbook of authoritarian governments. Specifically, the attack on transgender existence, the study of gender studies in schools and universities, and LGBTQ rights is a tactic used by authoritarian governments to consolidate power and limit free expression.

While Florida is certainly not the only state toying with authoritarian policies, it may be the canary in a coal mine warning of what may be coming to the national stage very, very soon. Not only has Orbán spoken at CPAC and with Trump, but, recently, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently met with the new Hungarian President Katalin Novak, who is a close ally to Orbán and heavily funded by him..."

#illiberaldemocracy #gopfascism #powerhunger #greed #wannabedictators

Last updated 2 years ago

lady troodle · @TriciaScott
64 followers · 581 posts · Server

BBC protests after Twitter labels it ‘government-funded media’

“state-affiliated media accounts” are defined as “outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures…. “


#bbc #tories #illiberaldemocracy #fascismrising

Last updated 2 years ago

lady troodle · @TriciaScott
53 followers · 487 posts · Server

describes 2024 election as ‘the final battle’ from podium in Waco

Trump threatens death and destruction. He is blackmailing . True to form - Trump the wannabe . How far will he go? We know he’s turned on by . What about ? Whatever it takes… 😰

#trump #america #mobster #violence #executions #authoritarianism #illiberaldemocracy #fascism #domesticterrorism #genocide

Last updated 2 years ago

Caro S. · @Heidentweet
192 followers · 408 posts · Server

De verkiezingsuitslag van woensdag verbaast me niet. Ik zie op dit moment vooral een verdere gang naar (extreem-) rechts in de huidige vorm van onze parlementaire democratie, want de politieke partijen zijn vooral met hun marktaandel en netwerken bezig, het parlement is machteloos gemaakt door oa. liegende regeringen en dwang van regeerakkoorden, en de media probeert ons al jaren te af te leiden met rechtse en extreemrechtse figuren en hun katten.

Tijd voor wat inspiratie! Deze avond heet "De opkomst van extreemrechts en het antwoord van links" maar Willem Schinkel gaat direct een stuk verder.

#ps2023 #verkiezingen #extreemrechts #illiberaldemocracy #neoliberalisme #kolonialisme

Last updated 2 years ago

Caro S. · @Heidentweet
192 followers · 412 posts · Server

De verkiezingsuitslag van gisteren verbaast me niet. Ik zie op dit moment alleen een verdere gang naar (extreem-) rechts in de huidige vorm van onze parlementaire democratie, want de politieke partijen zijn vooral met hun marktaandel en netwerken bezig, het parlement is machteloos gemaakt door oa. liegende regering en dwang van regeerakkoorden, en de media promoot al jaren heel graag rechts en extreem-rechts.

Hoog tijd voor wat inspiratie! Hier Willem Schinkel over "De opkomst van extreemrechts en het antwoord van links."​

#ps2023 #verkiezingen #extreemrechts #illiberaldemocracy #neoliberalisme #kolonialisme

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1472 followers · 7346 posts · Server

Here we go with another right-wing obsessive trying to bring on an illiberal democracy. Doomed to fail.
Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu’s power grab has country at breaking point

#israel #politics #illiberaldemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

The GOP, the Rich and corporations want power. They couldn't care less about democracy or American sovereignty. An oligarchy looks just fine to them. Putin would love to have them working

Russiagate: The Opposite of a Hoax

"Now Timothy Snyder*, a Yale professor...put the Russia story in badly needed context

*Full thread by Snyder:

In April 2016, I broke the story of Trump and Putin, using Russian open sources. Afterwards, I heard vague intimations that something was awry in the FBI in New York, specifically counter-intelligence and cyber. We now have a suggestion as to why.

The person who led the relevant section, Charles McGonigal, has just been charged with taking money from the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Follow this thread to see just how this connects to the victory of Trump, the Russian war in Ukraine, and U.S. national security.

The reason I was thinking about Trump & Putin in 2016 was a pattern. Russia had sought to control Ukraine, using social media, money, & a pliable head of state. Russia backed Trump the way that it had backed Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, in the hopes of soft control 2/20

Trump & Yanukovych were similar figures: interested in money, & in power to make or shield money. And therefore vulnerable partners for Putin. They also shared a political advisor: Paul Manafort. He worked for Yanukovych from 2005-2015, taking over Trump's campaign in 2016.

You might remember Manafort's ties to Russia from 2016. He (and Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump, Jr.) met with Russians in June 2016 in Trump Tower as part of, as the broker of the meeting called it, "the Russian government's support for Trump"

Manafort had to resign as Trump's campaign manager in August 2016 when news broke that he had received $12.7 million in cash from Yanukovych. But these details are just minor elements of Manafort's dependence on Russia.

Manafort worked for Deripaska, the same Russian oligarch to whom McGonigal is linked, between 2006 and 2009. Manafort's assignment was to soften up the U.S for Russian influence. He promised "a model that can greatly benefit the Putin government."

While Manafort worked for Trump in 2016, though, Manafort's dependence on Russia was deeper. He owed Deripaska money, not a position one would want to be in. Manafort offered Deripaska "private briefings" on the campaign. He was hoping "to get whole."

Reconsider how the FBI treated the Trump-Putin connection in 2016. Trump and other Republicans screamed that the FBI had overreached. In retrospect, it seems the exact opposite took place. The issue of Russian influence was framed in a way convenient for Russia and Trump.
It is entirely inconceivable that McGonigal was unaware of Russia's 2016 cyber influence campaign on behalf of Trump. Even I was aware of it, and I had no expertise. It became one of the subjects of my book
I had no personal connection to this, but will just repeat what informed people said at the time: this sort of thing was supposed to go through the FBI counter-intelligence section in New York, where tips went to die. That is where McGonigal was in charge.

The cyber element is what McGonigal should have been making everyone aware of in 2016. In 2016, McGonigal was chief of the FBI's Cyber-Counterintelligence Coordination Section. That October, he was put in charge of the Counterintelligence Division of the FBI's NY office.

We need to understand why the FBI failed in 2016 to address the essence of an ongoing Russian influence operation. The character of that operation suggests that it would have been the responsibility of an FBI section whose head is now accused of taking Russian money.

Right after the McGonigal story broke, Kevin McCarthy ejected Adam Schiff from the House intelligence committee. Schiff is expert on Russian influence operations. It exhibits carelessness about national security to exclude him. It is downright suspicious to exclude him now. 16/20

Back in June 2016, Kevin McCarthy expressed his suspicion that Donald Trump was under Putin's influence. He and other Republican members concluded that the risk of an embarrassment to their party was more important than American security.

The Russian influence operation to get Trump elected was real. It serves no one to pretend otherwise. We are still learning about it. Denying that it happened makes the United States vulnerable to ongoing Russian operations.
The McGonigal question goes even beyond these issues. He had authority in the most sensitive possible investigations within U.S. intelligence. Sorting this out will require a concern for the United States that goes beyond party loyalty."

#gophatesdemocracy #goplovespower #illiberaldemocracy #therichrwannabeoligarchs #gopinbedwithputin #gopinbedwithrich #greedkillsdemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

The GOP, the obscenely wealthy and large corporations want power. They couldn't care less about democracy or American sovereignty. An oligarchy looks just fine to them. Putin would love to have them working with him to erode liberal democracies in the world so there is no one to stand up to his corruption and tyranny. They see what Putin has and they start drooling.

Russiagate: The Opposite of a Hoax
Don’t be gaslit anymore. Russia is a danger to western democracy. They’ve been working hard to undermine the U.S..

“That rather astonishing discovery of the former FBI chief who seemingly betrayed his country to Russia didn’t happen in a vacuum, though. Globally, this story is quite frankly disconcerting. In the past week, there was a shocking accusation by a whistleblower that MI5 refused to investigate a Russian spy's “infiltration” of the conservative Tory party in Britain, news that "a vast cache of hacked emails shows that, under the leadership of Rishi Sunak, the UK Treasury issued special licenses in 2021 to let the oligarch override sanctions and launch an aggressive legal campaign against a journalist in the London courts." “The UK government helped the boss of Russia’s murderous mercenary army to circumvent its own sanctions and launch a targeted legal attack on a British journalist, openDemocracy can reveal.” Rishi Sunak has been the conservative Prime Minister since October, 2022 when the head of lettuce lasted longer than Liz Truss. He previously held two cabinet positions under conservative Boris Johnson.  Also, the European Court of Human Rights is demanding a response from the British government over a legal claim by opponents accusing it of failing to investigate alleged Russian interference in elections and referendums like Brexit. The thread between all of these stories is Russians-to-conservatives. Now Timothy Snyder*, a Yale professor whose course on Ukraine I am watching on YouTube and highly recommend, put the Russia story in badly needed context (full thread in next toot).

...Don’t be gaslit anymore.

Russia is a danger to western democracy. They’ve been working hard to undermine the United States of America, and Republicans, from leadership on down, have been willing to help them. Those who might be doing so unwittingly certainly have had every opportunity to know better. Those who have simply remained silent are also now complicit.

In 2019, a Senate investigation determined: “The congressional probe into the National Rifle Association’s relationship with Russia shows a U.S. tax-exempt organization working as a conduit to provide Russian officials access to Republicans with the quid pro quo of ‘lucrative personal business opportunities.’”

I pointed out then, “Looking for that quid pro quo Republicans claim doesn’t exist? Here it is, but with the Russians and elected officials of the NRA variety.”

Since then, Russia has spent millions spreading anti-vax conspiracies just to harm small d democracy, including paying influencers to lie and fear-monger about the vaccines.

Republicans and conservative activists mock journalists who bring up Russia because they want to shut down the discussion. But this discussion needs to be had. We all need a government that actually puts “America first” –- but the Republican Party is not currently on board with that most basic and primitive premise of patriotism."

#gophatesdemocracy #goplovespower #illiberaldemocracy #therichrwannabeoligarchs #gopinbedwithputin #gopinbedwithrich

Last updated 2 years ago