#ableism should be against the mastodon code of conduct.
As judged by people with the relevant disabilities.
ALL bigotry should be rated from the perspective of the targeted group.
I do not understand why individuals who benefit from inequality can believe that EQUALITY isn't going to end those benefits.
if they WANT a world without bigotry. THEY will NOT BE MAKING THE RULES.
I have #republican friends who call me respectfully their favorite #libtard. But, for the life of me I can't understand their #aversion to #vaccines, though #educated, their love of #guns though hatred of #war and loss, their championing of #freedoms as long as it does not impact their freedoms; ie, #masks, their despise of #taxes but it is ok to tax others just not them, their desire to live in the #past w prevalent #disease & short #life spans. I find them #confusing and #illogical?
#republican #libtard #aversion #vaccines #educated #guns #war #freedoms #masks #taxes #past #disease #life #confusing #illogical
8/39 But even some objectively-good results end up crashing the stock price, again because markets aren't logical. A company makes a record quarterly profit, but their gross margin was only 38%, not their usual 40%, and the market gets spooked and takes ten percent off the value of the stock in an afternoon. It doesn't make sense.
So much in life seems
illogical, when all we
need is poetry.
#MicroPrompt #Illogical
#Haiku #Senryu #SmallPoems #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity
#microprompt #illogical #haiku #senryu #smallpoems #prompt #writingprompt #poem #amWriting #writingcommunity #poetrycommunity
Trying to argue
with illogical peopleβ
Senseless endeavor.
#Logic #Haiku #Senryu #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry #Writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity
#poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #Senryu #haiku #logic #illogical #microprompt
When asked about #exmormons calling the #mormon church a #cult.
says it's a good thing they left the #church. His reasoning? Because he's no #idiot, he went to a good school and read a couple books...
#exmormon #exmo #lds #apostle #gaslighting #bully #postmormon #liesmyprophettoldme #liesmychurchtoldme #religion #illogical #lies #yale #yalealumni #byu #byualumni
#byualumni #byu #yalealumni #yale #lies #illogical #religion #liesmychurchtoldme #liesmyprophettoldme #postmormon #bully #gaslighting #apostle #lds #exmo #exmormon #idiot #church #jeffreyrholland #cult #mormon #exmormons
I don't believe in stifling the widespread #conversation and #debate around whether or not #journalists should have their #speech #curtailed and possibly face prosecution. There are many #authoritarians out there who want them to just have #freespeech and #freepress without any controversy or pushback, and there are many #citizens who simply disagree with that in a respectful way. It seems #illogical and like a poor political move to simply ignore these concerns.
#conversation #debate #journalists #speech #curtailed #authoritarians #freespeech #freepress #citizens #illogical
A #conspiracy #theorist is a special kind of person. It's someone with an overdose of #paranoid traits. The type of person who threw a boomerang six years ago that didn't come back and keeps looking over his shoulder since that day.
The conspiracy theorist has no use for simple, #logical #explanations. There must be more to it, it must be complicated. It must be so complicated and #illogical that no one can make sense of it, except the conspiracy theorist himself.
#conspiracy #Theorist #paranoid #logical #explanations #illogical #science
Today it has me feeling like, "Go directly to hell, do not pass forgiveness, collect zero dollars and all the shame." I feel lonely, like one scrappy piece on a Monopoly board playing with myself. I feel wretched for not processing my emotions perfectly this morning, which is impossible but the cult told me it was and that scarred part of my mind is bleeding today. I'll be stronger next time. I hope.
#ReligiousTrauma #ExConservativeHoliness #Depression #Illogical
#ReligiousTrauma #exconservativeholiness #depression #illogical
Hey Trekfam!
Todays question:
If your ship would had to land and you had time to set a course to any planet.. which planet do you prefer to land on?
I know I know...this is very illogical question. :D
#StarTrek #WeAreStarFleet #StarTrekFamily
#illogical #LLAP #nerds
#startrek #wearestarfleet #StarTrekFamily #illogical #llap #nerds
It's going to cost a huge amount of money (& harm) trying to deal with the damage that human-caused climate change causes.
But, the #FossilFuel industries are:
#greedy #immoral #foolish #unreasonable #reckless #negligent #injudicious #incautious #ill #illogical #irrational #imprudent #unreliable #dodgy #nonaccountable #inefficient #ineffective #inept #incompetent #incapable #unconscientious #untrustworthy #irresponsible #fossilfuel
Years ago, I was looking for a word/concept that summed up everything, but really everything. Practically my personal word of the decade.
It is not "42" but: "ABSURD".
no matter what news, local or geo-political I hear & read this year.... "ABSURD" still applies in full!
#absurd, #antinomic, #irrational, #crazy, #confused, #illogical, #nonsensical, #unreasonable
#absurd #antinomic #irrational #crazy #confused #illogical #nonsensical #unreasonable