Medizin-Geräte: Warnung vor kritischer Sicherheitslücke in #Illumina-Software | Security #IoMT #InternetOfMedicalThings #IoT #InternetOfThings #InternetDerDinge
#internetderdinge #internetofthings #iot #internetofmedicalthings #IoMT #illumina
Amgen cuts lupus programs for futility, hours after Lilly officially walks away from one too —FDA sent letter to HCPs warning of cybersecurity risk in Illumina sequencing software—GSK's RSV vaccine first to get EU regulator's nod -- See more on our front page news #fda #amgen #lupus #elililly #hcps #cybersecurity #illumina #rsv #gsk #europe #vaccines #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biopharma #biotechnology #cafepharma
#FdA #amgen #lupus #elililly #HCPs #cybersecurity #illumina #RSV #gsk #europe #vaccines #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biopharma #biotechnology #cafepharma
Very cool preprint by Adam P Cribbs's group: "Correcting PCR amplification errors in unique molecular identifiers to generate absolute numbers of sequencing molecules." with lots of innovative ideas to a) measure and b) correct PCR induced errors in RNA-seq experiments. #rnaseq #ngs #singlecells #compbio #illumina #nanopore
#rnaseq #ngs #singlecells #compBio #illumina #nanopore
FTC orders Illumina to divest $7.1 billion acquisition of cancer test developer Grail — Lilly says experimental Alzheimer's drug reduces amyloid in small study — BioNTech, DualityBio to develop cancer treatment drugs in over $1.5-bln deal -- See more on our front page news #ftc #mergersandacquisitions #competition #illumina #alzheimers #elililly #cancer #drugdevelopment #biontech #clinicaltrials #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biopharma #biotechnology #cafepharma
#FTC #mergersandacquisitions #Competition #illumina #alzheimers #elililly #cancer #drugdevelopment #biontech #clinicaltrials #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biopharma #biotechnology #cafepharma
What M&A slowdown? Buyers circle GreenLight Biosciences, Egitis Therapeutics — Illumina urges shareholders to reject Carl Icahn’s board nominees as proxy fight heats up — Major readouts on the horizon for small developers -- See more on our front page news #mergersandacquisitions #carlicahn #illumina #diagnostics #clinicaltrials #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biopharma #biotechnology #cafepharma
#mergersandacquisitions #carlicahn #illumina #diagnostics #clinicaltrials #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biopharma #biotechnology #cafepharma
You can quantify #transposon expression in your short-read library in #locus level more accurately with LocusMasterTE and long-read count matrix from the same tissue :D
Integrating long-read RNA sequencing improves locus-specific quantification of transposable element expression
#TransposableElement #transcriptomics #RNAseq #RNA #ShortRead #LongRead #illumina #nanopore
#rnaseq #rna #Transposon #locus #TransposableElement #transcriptomics #shortread #longread #illumina #nanopore
NEXT WEEK - Interesting new webinar - check it out!
Clonal evolution in breast cancer: application of ultra-deep single cell multiomic sequencing #illumina
@onisillos important pragmatic study this, giving diagnostic labs reassurance that 2 NGS platforms are comparable. Like it. #sequencing #illumina #tuberculosis #nanopore #TB #Mycobacteriumtuberculosis
#sequencing #illumina #tuberculosis #nanopore #tb #mycobacteriumtuberculosis
RT @RudolfMeier15
Now out in Molecular Ecology: Metabarcoding of dissolved feces from flies baited with fish detects endangered mammal and bird species. Roadside sampling and sequencing with #MinION or #Illumina is sufficient. Network analysis reveals species interactions.
I've seen a few #genomes constructed solely from #nanopore #ONT recently (without #illumina #polishing). In principle, higher error and biased rates should mean this is a bad idea. Has anyone done a comprehensive survey of how these genomes behave, esp wrt #SNP calling, #gene #annotation and #haplotype splitting in partial inbreds?
#genomes #nanopore #ONT #illumina #polishing #snp #gene #annotation #haplotype
#Illumina's MethylationEPIC v2.0 BeadChip is now available! 935K methylation sites for the same price as EPICv1.0. Learn more here:
Intensive training session on epigenetics organized by GDR3E and REACTION. Many thanks to #CNRS, #INRAE and #Illumina for support. More onématique-3e-2022
Colour coding flow cells and reagents is a no brainer when you think about it. #sequencing #genomics #transcriptomics #illumina #nextseq
#sequencing #genomics #Transcriptomics #illumina #nextseq
@Childs_Lab No, I would write that I sequenced #Illumina libraries on an #MGI instrument ;)
#Intro: I am the #parent of two teens, married to a doctor, live in #sandiego, work as #softwaredev at #illumina in #bioinformatics. I play #viola & #violin #classicalmusic like on a semipro level, help run the SoCal Chamber Music workshop for many years. Avid reader / sometime #writer of #poetry, a community TA for the UPenn massive online course #modpo. Worry all the time about #climate, hope my work on #genetics will help. #fountainpens #yiddish #jewish #torah #ethics
#parent #SanDiego #softwaredev #illumina #bioinformatics #viola #violin #classicalmusic #writer #poetry #modpo #climate #genetics #fountainpens #yiddish #jewish #Torah #ethics #intro
- Postdoctoral Job Opportunity at Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute in MA @jobsecoevo
#Jobs #postdoc #genomics #evolution #fish In this position, you will use #Illumina and #Nanopore seq, identify patterns in whole genome DNA methylation, develop a species-specific epigenetic aging tool, use comparative genomics analyses to identify age-correlated conserved methylated DNA regions across fish species to develop a universal fish epigenetic aging tool.
#jobs #postdoc #Genomics #Evolution #fish #illumina #nanopore
- Postdoctoral Job Opportunity at Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute in MA
@jobsecoevo #Jobs #postdoc #genomics #evolution #fish In this position, you will use #Illumina and #Nanopore seq, identify patterns in whole genome DNA methylation, develop a species-specific epigenetic aging tool, use comparative genomics analyses to identify age-correlated conserved methylated DNA regions across fish species to develop a universal fish epigenetic aging tool.
#jobs #postdoc #Genomics #Evolution #fish #illumina #nanopore
- Postdoctoral Job Opportunity at Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute in MA
@jobsecoevo #Jobs #postdoc #genomics #evolution #fish In this position, you will use #Illumina and #Nanopore seq, identify patterns in whole genome DNA methylation, develop a species-specific epigenetic aging tool, use comparative genomics analyses to identify age-correlated conserved methylated DNA regions across fish species to develop a universal fish epigenetic aging tool.
#jobs #postdoc #Genomics #Evolution #fish #illumina #nanopore