#NowPlaying #IllusionOfSafety is one of the longest running projects in the industrial noise underground, and Dan Burke was cool enough to go over his entire history. From seeing the final #ThrobbingGristle show in San Francisco, to creating the IOS world with all its collaborators, Dan has stories and insight for days. It’s another mandatory history lesson on #Noisextra. https://www.noisextra.com/2023/08/16/in-conversation-with-dan-burke-illusion-of-safety/
#nowplaying #illusionofsafety #throbbinggristle #noisextra
#NowPlaying #IllusionOfSafety Live at #NoFunFestival 2008. https://illusionofsafety.bandcamp.com/album/live-no-fun-2008
#nowplaying #illusionofsafety #nofunfestival