It can take time to find your fit 🧩 .. especially when you have a unique skill set or when a culture doesn’t welcome you.
When you find that place and the people who welcome you, it’s liberating & motivating. Eventually you realize what you’re capable of & it’s fabulous ♥️.
#Culture #PharMastadon #TootRx #WomenInLeadership #WomenInSTEM #ILookLikeAScientist #MedMastodon #IDMastondon
#culture #pharmastadon #TootRx #womeninleadership #womeninstem #ilooklikeascientist #MedMastodon #IDMastondon
So last night was burger night (don't @ me-I grew up w/the explanation that American cows aren't holy).
My 7yo made 👇.
As an epidemiologist, what I love is that in addition to her data collection, she made a *data dictionary!!!*
#epidemiology #ILookLikeAScientist
#epidemiology #ilooklikeascientist