My finished Starflake Shawl in all its glory
I used Fearless Yarns Speckled SW Sock in Kiss My Tiara and TuMeke Yarns 100% Superwash Merino in Tekapo
#StarflakeShawl #StephenWest
#knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #ILoveKnitting #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnittingShawls
#starflakeshawl #StephenWest #knitting #knittingofmastodon #iloveknitting #handknitshawl #iloveknittingshawls
Making good progress with my #StarflakeShawl by #StephenWest #westknits using #FearlessYarn Speckled SW Sock in Kiss My Tiara and #TuMekeYarn 100% SW Merino in Tekapo
#knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #ILoveKnitting #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnittingShawls
#starflakeshawl #StephenWest #westknits #fearlessyarn #tumekeyarn #knitting #knittingofmastodon #iloveknitting #handknitshawl #iloveknittingshawls
My finished Aurora Cabin shawl in all its glory
(For reference, I'm 5'1" or 155cm tall)
I used Birdstreet Yarn 75/25 SW Merino Nylon in a fade set
A Brontë
B Jolie Rose
C Rosie Lee
D Bohemian
E Figgy
#AuroraCabinShawl #Westknits #knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnitting #ILoveKnittingShawls
#auroracabinshawl #westknits #knitting #knittingofmastodon #handknitshawl #iloveknitting #iloveknittingshawls
I started the Starflake shawl using Fearless Yarn Speckled Sock in Kiss My Tiara and TuMeke Yarns 100% SW Merino Singles in Tekapo and I just love how it looks so far.
I also finished section 4 of the #AuroraCabinShael #HKAL2022 in the Birdstreet Yarns pink fade set. I'm going to try to finish this before the end of the KAL, which gives me less than a week...
#knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnitting #ILoveKnittingShawls
#auroracabinshael #hkal2022 #knitting #knittingofmastodon #handknitshawl #iloveknitting #iloveknittingshawls
My #TwistsAndTurnsShawl #WestKnitsMKAL2022 in all its finished glory. I used Biffsugar Yarns Sock in Vintage Mermaid (MC) and Urchin (AC) and Biffsugar Yarns Luxury MCN Sock in Castaway (CC) and I'm really happy with how it turned out!
#knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnitting #ILoveKnittingShawls
#twistsandturnsshawl #westknitsmkal2022 #knitting #knittingofmastodon #handknitshawl #iloveknitting #iloveknittingshawls
I decided to join Mandy of Mouse's Makes Podcast in her #Starflake KAL and I'm using these colours. Yes, this will make for a rather vivid shawl. Yarns are Fearless Yarn Speckled Sock in Kiss My Tiara and TuMeke Yarns 100% SW Merino in Tekapo
#knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #YarnPorn #ShawlKnitting #ILoveKnitting #ILoveKnittingShawls
#starflake #knitting #knittingofmastodon #yarnporn #shawlknitting #iloveknitting #iloveknittingshawls
Clue 3 of #TwistsAndTurnsShawl #WestKnitsMKAL2022 is finished! This is the last project that was cast on in 2022 that I'm still working on and I hope to finish before the end of January
#knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #ShawlKnitting #ILoveKnitting #ILoveKnittingShawls
#twistsandturnsshawl #westknitsmkal2022 #knitting #knittingofmastodon #shawlknitting #iloveknitting #iloveknittingshawls
I finished the #WinterWonderlandMKAL by #KnitForTheSoul and I'm so happy with how it turned out!
#Knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #ILoveKnitting #ILoveKnittingShawls
#winterwonderlandmkal #knitforthesoul #knitting #knittingofmastodon #iloveknitting #iloveknittingshawls
Section 3 (and piece 1) of #WinterWonderlandMKAL are finished and I can't wait to see how this comes together!
#knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnitting #ILoveKnittingShawls
#winterwonderlandmkal #knitting #knittingofmastodon #handknitshawl #iloveknitting #iloveknittingshawls
Today I'm wearing my #JingleJumper designed by #IsabellKraemer and my #HaloOfLightShawl designed by #CharlotteMcAlpine and I'm toasty warm
#knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #HandknitJumper #HandknitSweater #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnitting #ILoveKnittingJumpers #ILoveKnittingSweaters #ILoveKnittingShawls
#jinglejumper #isabellkraemer #HaloOfLightShawl #charlottemcalpine #knitting #knittingofmastodon #handknitjumper #handknitsweater #handknitshawl #iloveknitting #iloveknittingjumpers #iloveknittingsweaters #iloveknittingshawls
Sections 1 and 2 of #AuroraCabinShawl #Hiberknitalong2022 by #StephenWest #WestKnits using #BirdstreetYarn 5-skein fade
#Knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #ShawlKnitting #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnitting #ILoveKnittingShawls
#auroracabinshawl #hiberknitalong2022 #StephenWest #westknits #birdstreetyarn #knitting #knittingofmastodon #shawlknitting #handknitshawl #iloveknitting #iloveknittingshawls
Finished Clue 2 of #WinterWonderlandMKAL by #KnitForTheSoul using Cascade 220 Fingering
#knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #ShawlKnitting #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnittingShawls #ILoveKnitting
#winterwonderlandmkal #knitforthesoul #knitting #knittingofmastodon #shawlknitting #handknitshawl #iloveknittingshawls #iloveknitting
Finally finished Clue 1 of #WestKnitsMKAL2022 #TwistsAndTurnsShawl (for the third time lol) and section 2. I'm using #BiffsugarYarns Sock in Vintage Mermaid (MC) and Sea Urchin (AC) and Biffsugar Luxury MCN Sock in Castaway (CC)
#Knitting #KnittingOfMastodon #ShawlKnitting #HandknitShawl #ILoveKnittingShawls
#westknitsmkal2022 #twistsandturnsshawl #biffsugaryarns #knitting #knittingofmastodon #shawlknitting #handknitshawl #iloveknittingshawls
Hopeful to finish this today
#charknittestknit #halooflightshawl by Charknit #knitting #KnittingMastodon #ILoveKnitting #HandknitShawl #ILoveShawls #ILoveKnittingShawls
#CharknitTestKnit #HaloOfLightShawl #knitting #knittingmastodon #iloveknitting #handknitshawl #iloveshawls #iloveknittingshawls