My wife is processing the fact that I would be dead but for recent advisements in cardiac medical science. She is very upset. So am I! But if she didn't insist we go to the er, I would be dead. My family calls her toxic for defending herself from them, but I say she is a hero.... heroine?
Last night we ordered pizza for dinner and I wanted pepperoni. My wife stated that pepperoni is just bowls of fat. I replied that pepperoni is bowls of YUMMY fat. The sausage and cheese pizza was great.
Meine Frau hat uns #menton #feteducitron nach Hause geholt und dafür Liebe ich sie.
#ichliebemeinefrau #jetaimemafemme #ilovemywife #feteducitron #menton
Wow. Carol asked if she could create a video for the release of Temple Commander. Give me a moment to wipe away my tears. #loveofmylife #chaseyourdreams #ilovemywife #booktok #bookstagram
#loveofmylife #chaseyourdreams #ilovemywife #booktok #bookstagram
BoiBoi in Amsterdam. Famous for the nice place. #Surprise #ILoveMyWife #LGBTFriendly
#LGBTFriendly #ilovemywife #surprise
BoiBoi in Amsterdam. Famous for the delicious food with relaxed warrige waiter. #Surprise #ILoveMyWife
BoiBoi in Amsterdam. Famous for the delicious food with relaxed waiter. #Surprise #ILoveMyWife
BoiBoi in Amsterdam. Famous for the delicious food with relaxed waiter. #Surprise #ILoveMyWife
Had our #Christmas parade downtown and our daughter was taking part this year
I understand that the feeling isn't universal, but I just can't imagine a better state of being than lying naked, post orgasm, in a comfortable bed with a beautiful partner.
#NSFW #allosexual #ILoveMyWife
#nsfw #allosexual #ilovemywife
Target, Thai, and beautiful company. Got to have a lunch date with my wonderful wife. #ilovemywife #waifu
Nächstes Jahr fahre ich mit meiner Frau nach Paris komme was wolle... #paris #france #frankreich #daslebenistschoen #ilovemywife
#ilovemywife #daslebenistschoen #frankreich #france #paris