Since the prev. monetary policy decision (July 10), #shekel weakened by 2.3% against USD, by 1.3% against EUR, and by 1.5% in terms of the nominal effective exchange rate. #ILS ’s depreciation in recent months is contributing to the increase in #inflation rate.
Are you a graduate student working in Library Science or a related Information Science field?
We want to help you learn what it's like to be peer-reviewed!
Submit your research article, evidence summary, or book review to us today!
More than an ordinary journal process, the SRJs mission includes helping new researchers improve their skills and become comfortable with the peer-review process. We provide detailed feedback over multiple editing revisions to help you polish your work into its best possible version!
#Research #Articles #ILS #LS #Library #Libraries #LibraryScience #Information #InformationScience #MARA #MLIS #GraduateStudent #College #PeerReview #Journal #Submissions #SubmissionsOpen #Science #Librarian #Librarians #SanJose #University #Learning #Editing
#research #articles #ils #ls #library #libraries #libraryscience #information #InformationScience #mara #mlis #graduatestudent #college #PeerReview #journal #submissions #submissionsopen #science #librarian #librarians #sanjose #university #learning #editing
Oggi abbiamo imparato quanto è importante il software libero nelle nostre vite, ma abbiamo fatto un passo in più: abbiamo sperimentato su come fare per contribuire attivamente. La libertà non è un regalo ma va conquistata.
#softwarelibero #ils #ilseste #italianlinuxsociety #linux #gnu #gnulinux
#softwarelibero #ils #ilseste #ItalianLinuxSociety #linux #gnu #gnulinux
Duke University Libraries Selects New Library Enterprise System
"we were the founding institution of the Open Library Environment and a charter member of FOLIO"
#folio #alma #Exlibris #ebsco #ils
Good things come in threes? I've written another guest blog post, this time over at LibTech Insights:
"The Curious Case of Open Source in (Academic) Libraries in the Nordics"
#LibraryTechnology #LibTech #OpenInfrastructure #LibraryOSS #ILS
#librarytechnology #libtech #openinfrastructure #libraryoss #ils
The second part of my blog post “Do Libraries Still Dream Unified Dreams?”, which discusses a modular library software landscape, is now available over at the Scholarly Kitchen:
#LibraryTechnology #LibTech #OpenInfrastructure #LibraryOSS #ILS
#librarytechnology #libtech #openinfrastructure #libraryoss #ils
Anyone in my network used Tind? Pros or Cons? #libraries #technology #archives #ILS #DAM
#libraries #Technology #archives #ils #dam
Welcome #PerlKohaCon to the fediverse! @perlkohacon
This year’s #Perl and #Koha #Conference will be at the University of #Helsinki from August 14 through 18. More info here:
What’s Koha? Only the world’s first and most widely-implemented #FOSS integrated #library system, used by public, school, and special #libraries. Think of it as #EnterpriseResourcePlanning like #SAP, but for #books and other media borrowing.
#perlkohacon #perl #koha #conference #helsinki #foss #library #libraries #enterpriseresourceplanning #sap #books #ils #lms #kohacon #kohacon23 #bookstodon
@foone I'm not in the library world any more, bit I do have my own home installation of @KohaILS to satisfy my librarian needs!
#libraries #ils #libraryautomation #koha #LibrariansRock
Musste gerade an SLiMS (Senayan Library Management System;, wo man nach u.a. ein bissel Übersetzen gleich als Developer nach Indonesien eingeladen wurde (was mich natürlich verschreckt hat vor 14 Jahren ;))
Das (oller Blogpost zu von mir gibt es so wohl nicht mehr, aber auch die Originalversion ist eigentlich leicht genug einsetzbar ohne großes Know-How oder technischen Voraussetzungen.
@thibaultmol Definitely. FOSDEM orga said they use all the rooms ULB gives them, so this would need to be in another location...
#ILS has organised remote FOSDEM meetups in various locations in Italy in the past, not sure about other countries.
Les Mousquetaires sacrifient leurs prix pour Satan mais #ils ne veulent pas que vous le sachiez
Wie Begegnung in der #Nachbarschaft gelingt - Das #ILS hat in einer #Studie nochmal die Erfolgsfaktoren für die soziale #Quartierentwicklung herausgearbeitet:
#nachbarschaft #ils #studie #quartierentwicklung
Finalmente siamo online con il neo-gruppo Linux!
Ho rimediato dal mio sito fatto con Hugo 😄
#linux #freesoftware #opensource #ils #italianlinuxsociety
#linux #freesoftware #opensource #ils #ItalianLinuxSociety
Proposing a mathematical model for solving the #TOPTWVP, and an #ILS algorithm to solve modified benchmark instances in: “Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows and Variable Profit” by E. Marzal, L. Sebastia. @FedCSIS
2022, ACSIS Vol. 30 p. 347–350;
👋 y'all! #introduction - I'm an assistant prof at UNC-Chapel Hill that applies a sociological lens to information systems. My research focuses on how search engines are exploited for political gain and gender/racial inequality on Wikipedia
#introduction #seo #wikipedia #sociology #ils
Ein Erwerbungsmodul für das integrierte Bibliothekssystem Koha
#ils #koha #bms #bibliotheksmanagementsystem #bibliothekssystem #erwerbung
#ils #koha #bms #Bibliotheksmanagementsystem #Bibliothekssystem #erwerbung
Scusatemi, hai ragione.
Trovo insopportabile l'idea che dei presidi si siano sbattuti a cercare qualcuno a cui rivolgersi, abbiano trovato @mte90, l'abbiano contattato come esperto autorevole (addirittura membro di #ILS! ! !) e lui gli abbia risposto che non ci sono alternative!
Sapendo che ci sono!
Vorrei solo sapere quali scuole, per ricontattarle personalmente.
Migliaia di ragazzi!
Però hai ragione: non serve a niente continuare.
@rresoli @monitorapa @madbob @eventilinux @paolo @mcp_ @nilocram @ItaLinuxSociety @lealternative @scuola @opensource @maupao @devol @opavlos @carlopiana