Ludovic Tezier's voice 💖 💖
#IlTrovatore #Opera #OperaOn3
The plot is absolutely one I shouldn't get on with, and if Puccini wrote it I'd likely flee from it as fast as I do his Scarpia. (No shade, Puccini just wrote evil *too* well for me.) But it's Verdi and the music is magnificent so I just ride the excitement from one glorious bit to another.
Plus Ludovic Tezier.
@broomsticknpen Have you seen Met Opera's Il Trovatore with Dmitri Hvorostovsky (of course), Dolora Zajick (even more of course), Sondra Radvanovsky and Marcelo Álvarez? Cannot recommend it highly enough.
The plot is difficult and bonkers but the music is 🔥 🔥 🔥 .
Enjoy yours 🙂
For rent (or week's free trial) here:
#Operas #GiacomoPuccini #MadamaButterfly #LaBoheme
#GiuseppiVerdi #Aida #IlTrovatore
#Mozart #TheMarriageofFigaro #familylibrary
Like Aida and Madama Butterfly.Never seen performed live,went to YouTube to see the complete operas.So I decided to get this collection for myself and family.They have the complete libretto with annotations.
Complete history of the composers.Translation of the opera to English,so you can understand the story.
#familylibrary #operas #GiacomoPuccini #madamabutterfly #laboheme #giuseppiverdi #aida #iltrovatore #Mozart #themarriageoffigaro
#σημερα είναι ημέρα των Ηρώων της Συνομοσπονδίας στο #texas, του #RobertELee σε #alabama, #arkansas, #florida, #georgia και #mississippi, ημέρα συζύγων στην #iceland και ημέρα της γλώσσας Kokborok στο #tripura της #india.
#σανΣημερα το 1829 κάνει πρεμιέρα το πρώτο μέρος του θεατρικού #faust του #JohannWolfgangvonGoethe.
Το 1853 κάνει πρεμιέρα η όπερα του #giuseppeVerdi #iltrovatore στη #rome.
To 1883 το πρώτο ηλεκτρικό δίκτυο φωτισμού εγκαθίσταται στο #roselle, #newjersey.
#NewJersey #roselle #rome #iltrovatore #GiuseppeVerdi #JohannWolfgangvonGoethe #faust #σανσημερα #India #tripura #Iceland #mississippi #Georgia #Florida #arkansas #alabama #RobertELee #Texas #σημερα #morning