Oh no I found another iMac G4 that I need to save. No one else seem to want these.
#RetroComputers #VintageMac #imacg4
#imacg4 #vintagemac #retrocomputers
So, I don't own anything older than a G4. But I think for #Marchintosh I'm going to attempt to get Basilisk II installed on the G4 and then install System 7 from physical media. Just checked all of the disks and they all appear good in OS X.
The iMac backlight is still out, so I'm using an external display.
#BasiliskII #System7 #macintosh #imacg4 #snowball #lampshade 😅
#lampshade #snowball #imacg4 #macintosh #System7 #basiliskii #marchintosh
The screen went out in the iMac awhile back and someone ripped the screen off of that MacBook before throwing it in a trashcan. So, now they both share this monitor. 🤷😅
As much fun as it is to maintain cursed setups made from garbage, I would really love to get the G4 fixed. And the appropriate keyboard would be nice to have at some point, too. I can live without the mouse. 😂
#Mac #PowerPC #iMacG4 #macbookpro #apple #HardwareGore
#hardwaregore #apple #macbookpro #imacg4 #powerpc #Mac
My #iMacG4 taking pride of place atop my gaming PC. (feat. Audio-Technica ATH-M50x)
This iMac G4 lives to sing for another day! 😄
#imac #imacg4 #powermac #macintosh
#retrocomputing #classicmac #apple
#itunesvisualizer #apple #classicmac #retrocomputing #macintosh #powermac #imacg4 #imac
Love how Apple put the power supply information on the side of the mains cap in this iMac G4 power supply
#whereelsewegonnaputit #macintosh #apple #imacg4
A timelapse of our LED-filled iMac G4. It’s kinda blinking so photosensitive people beware.
#iMacG4 #ApplePorn #VintageApple #iMac #VintageMacintosh #VintageMac
#imacg4 #appleporn #vintageapple #imac #VintageMacintosh #vintagemac
Back to the #iMacG4 (unfortunately with a non-functioning monitor) that someone found in a Chambers cupboard and gave to me (bless them eternally)...
eBay has furnished me with a mini-VGA adapter. I may have to daisychain it with an HDMI adapter, since I don't have a VGA monitor. But maybe, just maybe, I can get it up and running this weekend... then an LCD replacement may beckon.
Projects, projects...
#imacg4 #nerdery #nostalgia #designclassic
Installation d’un ruban de LED sur une pyramide de carton (boîte de céréales recyclée), et découpage de la carte mère pour continuer à voir le processeur Motorola PowerPC G4 par la trappe de l’ancien lecteur optique (mais faire de la place à l’intérieur pour le reste).
Nous avons ajouté un diffuseur en mousse translucide.
#ApplePorn #iMacG4 #VintageApple #VintageMacintosh #VintageMac
#appleporn #imacg4 #vintageapple #VintageMacintosh #vintagemac
Usinage d’une pièce en PVC pour la visser à la place de l’écran sur le magnifique pied chromé, et coller un chargeur MagSafe.
Je n’ai pas de photo (@ombremad ?) de la galère de plusieurs heures pour sortir les câbles du pied, puis se résoudre à l’ouvrir en ayant très peur de l’abimer, ou de perdre un œil à cause du ressort énorme qui gère l’équilibre.
#ApplePorn #iMacG4 #VintageApple #VintageMacintosh #VintageMac
#appleporn #imacg4 #vintageapple #VintageMacintosh #vintagemac
Premier test après avoir tout vidé : utiliser l’entrée alimentation en y connectant une prise standard, et y brancher une lampe. Et ça fonctionne donc on va pouvoir y ajouter… une multiprise. #ApplePorn #iMacG4
Je suis très fière de ce projet – et reconnaissante de l’aide et des idées de @ombremad ❤️ : nous avons passé trois jours à transformer ce vieil ordinateur cassé hors d’usage en un magnifique chargeur MagSafe lumineux.
Plus de photos à suivre. #ApplePorn #iMacG4
:apple_inc: Apple iMac G4 17"
#apple #macintosh #powermac #g4
#imac #imacg4 #quakeii
#retrocomputing #vintageapple
#VintageApple #retrocomputing #quakeii #imacg4 #imac #g4 #powermac #macintosh #apple
OK. Someone's given me an old #iMacG4. I know, I know... antediluvian. But it's beautiful.
Thing is, screen isn't working just now. So I'm desperately seeking a mini-VGA adaptor so I can plug in an external monitor and at least have a play.
Anyone got one - or know where one might be?
OK. Someone's given me an old #iMacG4. I know, I know... antediluvian. But it's beautiful.
Thing is, screen isn't working just now. So I'm desperately seeking a mini-VGA adaptor so I can plug in an external monitor and at least have a play.
Anyone got one - or know where one might be?
They also still love Kid Pix.
#retro #classicmacos #kidpix #broderbund #imacg4
Kids still love Cosmic Osmo, by the way...
#retro #imacg4 #cosmicosmo #hypercard #cdrom