Ars Technica: FSF: Chrome’s JPEG XL killing shows how the web works under browser hegemony #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #FreeSoftwareFoundation #imagecompression #softwarepatents #GoogleChrome #imageformats #webstandards #compression #standards #chromium #firefox #Mozilla #patents #Biz&IT #chrome #google #jpegxl #Tech #FSF
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #freesoftwarefoundation #imagecompression #softwarepatents #GoogleChrome #imageformats #webstandards #compression #standards #chromium #firefox #mozilla #patents #biz #chrome #google #jpegxl #fsf
FSF: Chrome’s JPEG XL killing shows how the web works under browser hegemony - Enlarge / When Google, whose Chromium/Chrome-related browsers make up 8... - #freesoftwarefoundation #imagecompression #softwarepatents #googlechrome #imageformats #webstandards #compression #standards #chromium #firefox #mozilla #patents #biz #chrome #google #jpegxl #tech #fsf
#fsf #tech #jpegxl #google #chrome #biz #patents #mozilla #firefox #chromium #standards #compression #webstandards #imageformats #googlechrome #softwarepatents #imagecompression #freesoftwarefoundation
I’m looking at some random recent small imprint or self-published books from my library which contain artwork and digital image scans with digital artifacts or blurring. These days I presume some of this is simply caused by most people using something like JPEG format when sourcing digital imagery, not realizing it is a lossy format. #imagecompression
Are there ways that we can lighten the load on the #mastodon servers?
I've recently been nerding out about the image #compression choices/tools that "LOW<-TECH MAGAZINE" uses (low resolution, single channel, dithered pngs) and I'm wondering whether we should be thinking about that kind of stuff as we move away from the buffet of high-gloss video-centering social media sites...
How can we save money @fosstodon?
#mastodon #compression #lowtechmagazine #imagecompression #mastodonmeta
Squeezing GIFs Into Even Tighter Spaces - Showing images on a TFT or OLED display with a small AVR microcontroller can be a ... - #softwaredevelopment #microcontrollers #imagecompression #avr #gif
#gif #avr #imagecompression #microcontrollers #softwaredevelopment
Squeezing GIFs Into Even Tighter Spaces #SoftwareDevelopment #Microcontrollers #imagecompression #AVR #GIF
#SoftwareDevelopment #Microcontrollers #imagecompression #avr #gif
#ImageCompression: “The new attention center model […] uses machine learning to attempt to identify which parts of an image will attract a human’s attention first, so that it can selectively decompress those regions first.”
Better than JPEG? Researcher discovers that Stable Diffusion can compress images - Enlarge / These jagged, colorful blocks are exactly what the concept of... - #imagecompression #machinelearning #stablediffusion #biz&it #ai
#ai #biz #stablediffusion #machinelearning #imagecompression
Better than JPEG? Researcher discovers that Stable Diffusion can compress images
#imagecompression #machinelearning #StableDiffusion #Biz&IT #AI
#imagecompression #machinelearning #stablediffusion #biz #AI
Reduce Photo File Size with Curtail, a GTK Image Compressor for Linux
#imagecompression #curtail #GTKApps #Apps
#imagecompression #curtail #gtkapps #apps
JPEG XL, the new format for image compression to rule them all? #linux #foss #jpeg #jpegxl #imagecompression
#linux #foss #jpeg #jpegxl #imagecompression
FLIF and responsive web sounds like an interesting combination!
#flif #imagecompression #webdevelopment