@gcblasing #ImageDescriptions are missing.
Links to sources are appreciated...
isn't there a hashtag for art with image descriptions? I thought there was but I can't remember what it is #ImageDescriptions #AltText #MastodonHelp #WorseTalks
#imagedescriptions #alttext #mastodonhelp #worsetalks
@SwiftOnSecurity good #shitpost but not only do I miss #ImageDescriptions but also #Firefox is the actual #cure...
#cure #FireFox #imagedescriptions #shitpost
@CurvyBBW4 As long, as You avoid adding #ImageDescriptions , me and other #blind #ssbbw fans are not able to know wether Your contend is something to be pleased about.
#imagedescriptions #blind #ssbbw
@yogthos #CantBoost due to having no #ImageDescriptions!
#AltText is not optional...
#alttext #imagedescriptions #cantboost
Please fix the link and don't use a Link shortener as all Links on :mastodon: count for 20 characters regardless of actual lenght.
Also #ImageDescriptions are missing...
@Radical_EgoCom How about you add some #AltTexts / #ImageDescriptions to your posts.
You certainly have the time to #watermark them, then you also have the resources to write #AltText / #ImageDescription for it!
#NoAltTextNoBoost #NoImageDescriptionNoBoost
#noimagedescriptionnoboost #noalttextnoboost #imagedescription #alttext #watermark #imagedescriptions #alttexts
Only a third* of images uploaded to the fediverse are captioned. We can do better!
#accessibiity #a11y #alt #AltText #ImageDescriptions
*Source: @AltTextHealthCheck
#accessibiity #a11y #alt #alttext #imagedescriptions
@Radical_EgoCom How aout you add some #ImageDescriptions?
It's really ableist to neither provide any #LinksToSources no #AltText!
#alttext #linkstosources #imagedescriptions
@Radical_EgoCom ADD #ImageDescriptions or at the very least #LinkToSources unless you're #ableist on purpose!
#ableist #linktosources #imagedescriptions
@brezelingen #Bildbeschreibung wäre angebracht...
Wer nen Sticker reinploppen kann hat auch Zeit für #AltText / #ImageDescriptions!
#imagedescriptions #alttext #bildbeschreibung
It would be lovely if there was a system that converted images to image ids for those like me who can't write descriptions in this realm of such
#images #imagedescriptions #nonnative
There are many faces of #ableism, eg to exclude people cause "#imageDescriptions kill spontaneity". This phrase comes often. Its more a lack of will, if one is not affected personally, I think. It is all the more important that disabled are visible. Then suddenly, non-disabled ARE affected, if they realize, they do have personal contacts which are blind or deaf or disabled in some other way. But to have no disabled mutuals is not an excuse! @RosethornRangerTTV @actuallyautistic
@jonb sadly there are no #ImageDescriptions.
Also that #HippieBus really looks gorgeous!
@fieldofdisarray is the lack of #ImageDescriptions already reported in an issue tracker for said app?
@angelicfruitcake yes it is!
Also please add #ImageDescriptions/#AltTexts to your toots!
So, this poll didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to. Firstly, I did not make it quite clear enough that it was a multi-choice poll, as several people only realised it after voting and seeing the strange results. I bet they would be a little different if I phrased my question more clearly.
Secondly, I forgot that Tweesecake does not yet have poll support. Tweesecake being a client a lot of blind people use. I bet more of them would've been kind enough to weigh in if they could do so without needing to go to the website.
However, it is still a good attempt! 113 people, folks. At least 113 people on the Fedi care deeply about accessibility, and have been harmed by the lack of it in one way or another.
If you do not write #ImageDescriptions because you believe noone will read them, look at this. Is this enough Fedizens to make #AltText worth it? If not, how much would be?
At least 36% of respondants have had to leave a community, or avoid joining it, because it was not accessible. I am among them. Please, do your part to make Fedi the place I can go to to unwind after being spammed with GIFs. A peaceful home where I can avoid the mockery -- or stone-cold silence -- when I dare ask to be included in your world.
And if you want to reply to this by telling me how this is a job for AI, kindly don't.