Ars Technica: FSF: Chrome’s JPEG XL killing shows how the web works under browser hegemony #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #FreeSoftwareFoundation #imagecompression #softwarepatents #GoogleChrome #imageformats #webstandards #compression #standards #chromium #firefox #Mozilla #patents #Biz&IT #chrome #google #jpegxl #Tech #FSF
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #freesoftwarefoundation #imagecompression #softwarepatents #GoogleChrome #imageformats #webstandards #compression #standards #chromium #firefox #mozilla #patents #biz #chrome #google #jpegxl #fsf
FSF: Chrome’s JPEG XL killing shows how the web works under browser hegemony - Enlarge / When Google, whose Chromium/Chrome-related browsers make up 8... - #freesoftwarefoundation #imagecompression #softwarepatents #googlechrome #imageformats #webstandards #compression #standards #chromium #firefox #mozilla #patents #biz #chrome #google #jpegxl #tech #fsf
#fsf #tech #jpegxl #google #chrome #biz #patents #mozilla #firefox #chromium #standards #compression #webstandards #imageformats #googlechrome #softwarepatents #imagecompression #freesoftwarefoundation
@stux I haven't had any problems with webp support. What problems are people having with webp? Its a smaller (optionally) lossless image format than PNG.
#imageFormats #webp
#Java - #JPEGXL ( #JXL ) read and write support - #TwelveMonkeys #JPEG #JPG #image #imageformat #imageformats #photo #bountysource #donation
#donation #bountysource #Photo #imageformats #ImageFormat #Image #jpg #jpeg #twelvemonkeys #jxl #jpegxl #Java