Détecter des pixels noirs, ou de niveaux de gris juqu'à -50% du noir, dans une ligne de pixels, avec Image Magic
convert -colorspace rgb image.png -background white -flatten -crop WIDTHxLIGNE+0+0 -threshold 50% txt:- | grep "#000000" | cut -d "," -f1
Bon bha j'ai ce vient trick à recoder en Python parce qu'il parait que c'est trop "barbu/chevelu" dans un shell-scipt ... 😜
#imagemagic #trick #oneliner #cli #python #shellscript
@Lutrinus right!? I'm reusing the functions from the deck (now part of https://lygia.xyz ). True fact, the http://PixelSpirtDeck.com is made from a python scrip that use #glslViewer, #imagemagic and #latex to render and compose the front/back of the deck plates that then are send to the printer
#latex #imagemagic #glslViewer
Taking (Good) Pictures of PCBs - Snapping pictures is not technically difficult with modern technology, but taking ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/01/taking-good-pictures-of-pcbs/ #digitalcamerashacks #photography #automation #imagemagic #lighting #camera #python #pcb
#pcb #python #camera #lighting #imagemagic #automation #photography #digitalcamerashacks
Taking (Good) Pictures of PCBs https://hackaday.com/2022/12/01/taking-good-pictures-of-pcbs/ #digitalcamerashacks #photography #automation #imagemagic #lighting #camera #python #pcb
#digitalcamerashacks #photography #automation #imagemagic #lighting #camera #python #pcb
I’ve tinkered with several AI apps like Dall-E & Deep Dream, but the prevalence of Mid Journey and the incredible images it can produce was very tempting. Only an hour into the process but managed a couple of images that worked for what I want. #thetruthisoutthere #midjourney #ai #imagemagic
#imagemagic #ai #midjourney #thetruthisoutthere
How to take a screenshot, select an area by drawing a box, and scan the qr code in it, all from the #terminal?
Combine #ImageMagic with #qrscan.
import png:- | qrscan -