#okmq #workshop
GUI geht auch in Tcl/Tk schlicht und schick.
#Tcl #ImageMagick #Ffmpeg
#okmq #workshop #tcl #imagemagick #ffmpeg
When you've got a bunch of pictures which need resizing, are you going to open each picture with an image editor and resize it - or do you use a for loop with #ImageMagick on the #Linux command line and save a lot of time?
Geologist & physical geographer. Works with data analysis, data management and visualization within spatial data, GIS, remote sensing, metadata. Happy outside in Nature.
Likes #geoscience #environmentalscience #remotesensing #gis #FOSS #dataanalysis #geospatial #copernicus #OpenStreetMap #grassgis #qgis #GenericMappingTools #perl #python #gnuplot #imagemagick #spatial #OpenSource #openscience #datamanagement #datavisualization #Linux #amateurastronomy #running #cycling
#presentation #Cycling #Running #amateurastronomy #Linux #datavisualization #datamanagement #openscience #OpenSource #spatial #imagemagick #gnuplot #Python #perl #genericmappingtools #qgis #grassgis #OpenStreetMap #copernicus #geospatial #dataanalysis #FOSS #gis #remotesensing #environmentalscience #geoscience
Geolog & naturgeograf. Arbetar med dataanalys, informationshantering och visualisering inom geodata, gis, fjärranalys, metadata. Gärna ute i naturen på fritiden.
Gillar #geoscience #environmentalscience #remotesensing #gis #FOSS #dataanalysis #geospatial #copernicus #OpenStreetMap #grassgis #qgis #GenericMappingTools #perl #python #gnuplot #imagemagick #spatial #OpenSource #openscience #datavisualization #Linux #amateurastronomy #running #cycling
#presentation #Cycling #Running #amateurastronomy #Linux #datavisualization #openscience #OpenSource #spatial #imagemagick #gnuplot #Python #perl #genericmappingtools #qgis #grassgis #OpenStreetMap #copernicus #geospatial #dataanalysis #FOSS #gis #remotesensing #environmentalscience #geoscience
i just wanted to show off my #tmux setup…
the script:
screenshot=~/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot\ from\ "$(date '+%F %H.%M.%S')"
sudo fbcat > "$screenshot".ppm
mogrify -format png "$screenshot".ppm
i really wanted something more compact than that, but you see how it's tricky?
#tmux #bash #imagemagick #linux #computeing
Okay #bash #imagemagick #linux aficionados: how do i tell computer "convert timestamp.png timestamp.jpg" *without having to type the second filename out*?
Like a shortcut for "whatever that first filename was, without the extension" so I can just do "convert timestamp.png $SHORTCUT.jpg"?
The filename is the timestamp (to the second) when it was created, so I do not know it ahead of time.
#bash #imagemagick #linux #computeing
I'm trying to get commutative diagram #latex previews using #orgmode with #tikz in #emacs. dvipng doesn't seem to play nice with tikz, so I switched to #imagemagick. Unfortinately, the "frame" created to hold the imagemagick preview is huge, and I can't figure out how to get it sized correctly. Any advice would be appreciated. See the attached images to see what I'm talking about (the imagemagick preview is so large the lorem ipsum paragraph isn't even in view, and its not left-aligned)
#latex #orgmode #tikz #emacs #imagemagick
Erste Programmskizze für Daumenkino-Druck aus Video in PDF für die Kids beim nächsten Trickfilm-Workshop.
Läuft, wird noch schicker hoffentlich. :)
#tcltk #ffmpeg #imagemagick
Erste Programmskizze für eine Daumenkino-Montage aus Video in PDF. Muss bis zum nächsten Workshop auf Linuxrechnern für die Teamer:innen grafisch ausführbar sein.
#tcltk #ffmpeg #imagemagick
Does anybody know what happened to #Fred's #ImageMagick scripts? The website has been down for weeks now ("Account suspended"), but I can't seem to find any news about it.
Hey #ImageMagick users, how do you stack two images of different sizes together, so that they are both centered in the frame?
My latest #electronicmusic track has been released: DODOLA
Beats per minute (BPM): 128
Loudness: around -13 LUFS
Song and cover were created in #fedora using #gimp #bitwig studio and #imagemagick
Track webpage: https://xn--80a5ai3dd.xn--d1at.xn--90a3ac/pohokolius/releases/dodola/
I still have no idea what I am doing 😄️
#electronicmusic #fedora #gimp #bitwig #imagemagick
A few months ago, I thought about binarizing a mildly complex color image to black and white before ordering it to be printed on a t-shirt. By doing this, I can save a few bucks, since the cheapest print is black on a white t-shirt.
I'm glad to see that I can do binarization via #FreeSoftware in a unix way!
$ convert inputfile -threshold xx% outputfile
where xx is a number from 0-100, should binarize through #ImageMagick.
i wonder how difficult and CPU intensive it would be to add a component like #Glaze to and image upload processor...
Like, take you federation post, when you attach media, could glaze or #imageMagick or even #ffmpeg process the upload? Users could opt-in or out to having protections applied to an upload. I get that it's an AI arms race now, but i guess this is the next actionable option?
The #camera trap was set up wrong and took a picture every 5 seconds, with or without movement detected. 🤦
I want to #analyze the images to see if there's accidentally anything interesting in there. I'm not going to look at them, I have computers here, and they're supposed to be good at this kind of thing.
Currently reading about #imagemagick #compare. :masto_reading:
The files have a natural chronological order, so I'm thinking of comparing each file to the next one. If the difference is above a threshold (which one?!), I might look at the second image myself.
Any other suggestions?
#camera #analyze #imagemagick #compare
I bet #ImageMagick could do it. It can be used via command line or scripted.
Convertir une série de fichiers svg vers du png :
for file in *.svg; do inkscape -z -o "${file%.svg}.png" -w 300 -h 300 "$file"; done
La solution avec convert de #ImageMagick donnait étonnement des images floues, du genre upscaling, ce qui est étonnant sur une source svg.
Solution obtenue en proposant #inkskape à #chatGPT et après un premier essai où il utilisait des paramètres dépréciés.
#imagemagick #inkskape #chatgpt #bash #linux
Need help fixing Ubuntu Apache2 / PHP installation (need ImageMagick module) #drivers #1804 #imagemagick